

  • I've had this problem too--I have worked in really nice restaurant for the past few years, and it's so hard not to eat everything in sight there. I am a big fan of bringing Odwalla nutrition bars. They're delicious and filling, and are as healthy (if not moreso) than "diet" bars like Slim-fast or whatever. Plus, since…
  • Thanks for all the comments, guys! It's such a relief to know that I'm not the only one who has had that moment of "Oh, wow, do I really eat that much..." It's a tough moment, but it seems like it's a necessary one to have (for me, at least). Congratulations on all of your weight loss so far, everybody--it looks like all…
  • Thanks for the welcome, guys!!!
  • Your post rings so true to me! I know exactly how you feel when you say that this time of our lives is supposed to be when we're young and hip, not chubby! I feel like I'm middle-aged all the time, and I'm only 28. I also feel like my love life has sort of stalled because I'm self-conscious about what I look like right…
  • Thanks so much for the support and the info, guys! It's so great to be getting support already, and congratulations to both of you on your weight loss!!!
  • Good morning to you! I am new to this site as well, and I am also very excited. Good luck to you!!!