1140 here
rap or metal when i'm not at the gym, mostly country
the programs mentioned above would be great to start with. Also, your trainer sounds like an idiot. As a noob to weightlifting you may even be able to build some muscle while losing weight if done correctly. But at the very least you will preserve what muscle you do have by lifting and build some essential strength that…
keep your arms to your side now flex your bicep like you're posing for a magazine. concentrate on only flexing the bicep, now release it. this is what you want to do, except add weight. if you still can't do it without using your shoulders, lower the weight or try an alternate exercise (preacher curl/assisted chin up, etc)
my gym is so packed i have to "work in" with someone almost every day. IMO correct etiquette is to first ask how many sets they have left. If it's 2 or less I will just go somewhere else for a few minutes and wait.
do you even horse
the one who does the most "supplements"
squat pull up incline bench dumbbell shoulder press dips
i like that it says 'sassy' right above him
protein powder peanut butter ezekiel bread nuts
I take planned breaks in between my sets. What difference does it make to you if I'm staring into space, logging my workout, or answering a text on my phone? Either way I'm getting off the machine in the same amount of time. If you want to work in, just ask. No need to get butthurt
They are not personalized at all so they're not accurate. There are so many varying factors with each individual, but the numbers mfp gives are a good starting point if you have no clue. They also don't take your goals into account other than if you want to lose weight or gain weight. more protein is good, especially if…
game of thrones about to start orange is the new black after this season of GOT ends
Physique for sure, but strength gains come along with building a good physique........while a good physique doesn't necessarily come with strength gains
if you're looking for something to primarily target the glutes you can't beat this exercise (if your gym has one of these)
Your nutritionist is correct. Your body is holding on to its fat stores because it thinks you are starving it. You need to eat a reasonable amount under your tdee and provide yourself with the necessary nutrients to lose weight in a healthy way. It is logical to think the less you eat the more you will lose, but the human…
if he doesn't trust his coach's opinion he should fire him and look for someone else. if he does (which sounds like this is the case) then you are probably just nagging him or he could just do both if the rules allow it
unless you're advanced in weight training you should probably use the machines as intended. Using them the wrong way could easily lead to injuries. I'm also always wary of "fitness experts" doing stuff like this just to make them seem like they really know something special, when really they probably haven't built their…
anyone can gain weight if they eat enough, unless they have a rare disorder . i used to think i was one of these people until i started logging my calories
I work in IT and take it as a compliment that I have also been unofficially given the role as furniture mover/box carrier/etc etc. There could be much worse things to complain about
You are correct that in order to gain muscle you will need to be in a calorie surplus. From a standpoint of body composition, it doesn't matter if you eat more on the days you lift. More importantly is the amount of calories you get over a period of time, say a week. but if eating more on lifting days and less days helps…
sure ya can start like that and eventually you will be doing them by yourself
get one of those pull up bars you can hang in the doorway and work your way up. Pull-ups are one of the best exercises for your back period. Also get some resistance bands and you can do some bent over rows and tons of other stuff
it's true, thick obliques will make your waist wider, but not by a significant amount. To make up for it, don't neglect your back, the v taper is all in the lats
the right plan would involve dieting smarter and giving your body adequate rest between workouts. In terms of weight loss, diet is way important than how many times per week you get to the gym
that's total bs. keep the weight and reps the same. Use diet and cardio to lose the fat and keep the muscle on the same way you built it
why not do upper/lower split Upper body Legs Upper body Legs
Cardio isn't necessary for everyone, I haven't done any at all over the last year+. Compound lifts are always good but don't neglect direct ab training if you aren't getting the results from the other lifts alone. Train them like any other muscle. Diet is the most important factor by far. if you have a layer of fat…
Are you getting the nutrients you need? Are you getting results? Are you happy with it overall? If so, then nothing wrong at all with it being "boring"