byrkar Member


  • How many calories to fight off 1 5-year-old... or how much to eat one? Please be more specific.:glasses:
  • You're doing it right... slow and steady weight loss is the best way and you will have a better chance of keeping the weight off. If your clothes are fitting differently, don't worry so much about the number on the scale. It's more important to lose the body fat than just the weight anyway. That being said, what kinds of…
  • With WW, as with anything else, if you treat it as a "diet" it will work. As someone said, deficit is deficit. So you may lose the weight you want eating what you want and following the points, but chances are, that weight will come back when the "diet" is over. But, if you look at it as a life change, and eat clean and…
  • Hey, don't give up! Even if this challenge isn't the one for you, today is a new day to start again. Everyone struggles now and then so keep trying. Remember why you are eating well and exercising! Oh, and thanks for your honesty about your struggles. Remember, you're not alone.
  • Update: Calorie burn goal: 2200 Actual: 2422 (finally made it!) Something new? uh... oops. Something I don't like? I didn't like any of it this week... does that count? I'll keep working on this one. Did take the stairs one day. 5K Goal: Was in a race on Saturday. Almost made it the whole way without having to walk to…
  • Ugh. Thankful for a new week to start again. Off to a good start today. Have a race this weekend. That's good motivation to stay on track. Almost at the "run a 5k without having to walk at all" goal. Did it once, but don't count it finished until I can do it consistently. I need some ideas for something new to burn…
  • I'm a little late posting. Yesterday was crazy! As for my goals... not a great week. About 200 calories short, gained the better part of a pound, and only did one thing new/don't like. Got closer to running the 5k, though. This week will be much, much better.
  • Calorie burn: 1214 - a little behind but I'll catch up. Something New: Took the stairs (9 flights) Something good for me but I don't like: Um.... still working on this one. Here comes the weekend. Although taking the stairs may qualify for this one too. This is harder than I thought it would be, but I'm not giving up!
  • Off to not such a good start yesterday, but today I'm back on track (I ate OK but didn't have any exercise - my body was exhausted and needed a breat). Great workout this morning and I got an HRM so I can know for sure how many calories I'm burning .
  • Goals: Lose 5 lbs and run 5K (no walking) Measurement: Scale and Endomondo Motivators: I've come so far, why stop now?? Weaknesses: Eating out because I don't like to cook. So let me get this straight.... My daily calorie allowance is 1200, so I add 1000 and my new goal for calorie burn is 2200 per week, right? I can do…
  • There's some great advice here! Avoid the junk food, but find something to snack on that is healthy. If you're craving salty and crunchy, try some nuts or roasted chick peas. If you want sweet, maybe some fruit will help. For me, I have certain "trigger" foods that I know if I eat them, I'm done for, at least for that day…
  • Welcome! The barcode feature is great. You can use it to scan the foods you are eating and it will, in most cases, find the food with all the calorie and nutrition information. Then, you can enter how much you ate.
    in new Comment by byrkar February 2012
  • I think just keeping moving, doing anything, is helpful to our overall health. Walking doesn't burn a lot of calories, unless you are speed walking, but it is good for you, especially if you can get outside for it. Fresh air does a lot for the mind, body and soul. Last year I did a lot of walking in the summer, and I…
  • Hey! I'm Karen, I'm 43 and trying to get healthy. Last year, I lost 25 lbs before going on a mission trip to Romania (amazing!). On the way home, I got sick (bacterial meningitis - I don't recommend it) and lost an additional 14 lbs in the hospital. Since then, I have put those 14 lbs back on, and I'm determined to lose…