UGH is this gonna work

So I have been at this for 2 months solid on Saturday and I have lost 7 pounds, (on my absolute best day) and Im getting really frustrated, there are days I get on the scale and it's barely moved. I have only had 4 cheat days since I started, and even then tried to be pretty reasonable with it, I have went from walking, to an hour of zumba everyday plus some additional walking most days, Im seeing an improvement in the way my cloths fit but not on the scale, When I was younger it would take about 5 days of dieting to lose the first 10 pounds, now I feel like I'm a world away from even that goal. I look on here and see people dropping wieght so fast Ugh.


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Not me. I'm 42, a woman in peri-menopause. There is no quick journey from me unless I go ballistic and stop eating altogether (and death has very little appeal so that's really not an option). I've lost 19 lbs since mid-Feb. Some weeks as little as .5, some as much as 2. When I'm having my period I often look like I've gained.

    For the moment I'm not weighing, it's just too depressing. I'm just concentrating on hitting my dietary and exercise goals. I'll weigh next week on Friday again. Hopefully I'll see a difference...
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    So I have been at this for 2 months solid on Saturday and I have lost 7 pounds, (on my absolute best day) and Im getting really frustrated, there are days I get on the scale and it's barely moved. I have only had 4 cheat days since I started, and even then tried to be pretty reasonable with it, I have went from walking, to an hour of zumba everyday plus some additional walking most days, Im seeing an improvement in the way my cloths fit but not on the scale, When I was younger it would take about 5 days of dieting to lose the first 10 pounds, now I feel like I'm a world away from even that goal. I look on here and see people dropping wieght so fast Ugh.
    7 lbs in 2 mo is awesome!!!!! That's about a pound a week! :) congratulate yourself for that :) it goes faster for some than others. But, that is something you can't help. Sounds like your doing great to me!!!! Working out hard, eating well, and losing weight.
  • Jalare
    Jalare Posts: 103
    It's gonna work as long as you look at it as a lifestyle change and not a quick fix. I used to think I could drop the weight and then go back to eating the way I was eating prior to losing the weight. It has been 2 years for me and I'm down about 70 lbs total. Slow and steady will keep the weight off. I've seen that for myself. I get frustrated when I go an entire week without losing but when I keep at it, the next week I'm rewarded with maybe a 2lb weight loss. It will work!
  • byrkar
    byrkar Posts: 14 Member
    You're doing it right... slow and steady weight loss is the best way and you will have a better chance of keeping the weight off. If your clothes are fitting differently, don't worry so much about the number on the scale. It's more important to lose the body fat than just the weight anyway. That being said, what kinds of things are you eating? Are you getting enough calories? Are you eating processed foods? What are you drinking? The answers to these questions might help you get to the bottom of it. But, like I said, keep up the cardio and pay attention to how you feel and how your clothes fit.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    So I have been at this for 2 months solid on Saturday and I have lost 7 pounds, (on my absolute best day) and Im getting really frustrated, there are days I get on the scale and it's barely moved. I have only had 4 cheat days since I started, and even then tried to be pretty reasonable with it, I have went from walking, to an hour of zumba everyday plus some additional walking most days, Im seeing an improvement in the way my cloths fit but not on the scale, When I was younger it would take about 5 days of dieting to lose the first 10 pounds, now I feel like I'm a world away from even that goal. I look on here and see people dropping wieght so fast Ugh.

    I feel your pain. I started working out 5 days a week the first 2-3 weeks in February and lost a few pounds. From February 27th until May 7th I basically lost and gained the same 3 pounds. That's 7 pounds in 3 months! I tweaked my diet, kept the workout the same ( 3-4 days a week) and lost 9 pounds in 4 weeks.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    So I have been at this for 2 months solid on Saturday and I have lost 7 pounds, (on my absolute best day) and Im getting really frustrated, there are days I get on the scale and it's barely moved. I have only had 4 cheat days since I started, and even then tried to be pretty reasonable with it, I have went from walking, to an hour of zumba everyday plus some additional walking most days, Im seeing an improvement in the way my cloths fit but not on the scale, When I was younger it would take about 5 days of dieting to lose the first 10 pounds, now I feel like I'm a world away from even that goal. I look on here and see people dropping wieght so fast Ugh.

    1-2 pounds per week is a good goal. Guys tend to lose faster at the beginning than women do. But when you see somebody with a high loss in the first 3 or 4 months, it's usually people who had a lot more to lose. I started out wanting to lose 30 pounds. It's can be a lot harder to go from 190 to 160 than for somebody to go from 350 to 320. Just remember that your trip is never the same as somebody else's trip.
  • mboktay
    mboktay Posts: 69 Member
    Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! Congratulations! You ARE on the right track. Make sure you are logging EVERYTHING and getting that water in! 2 most important things.
  • Cathleenr
    Cathleenr Posts: 332
    So I have been at this for 2 months solid on Saturday and I have lost 7 pounds, (on my absolute best day) and Im getting really frustrated, there are days I get on the scale and it's barely moved. I have only had 4 cheat days since I started, and even then tried to be pretty reasonable with it, I have went from walking, to an hour of zumba everyday plus some additional walking most days, Im seeing an improvement in the way my cloths fit but not on the scale, When I was younger it would take about 5 days of dieting to lose the first 10 pounds, now I feel like I'm a world away from even that goal. I look on here and see people dropping wieght so fast Ugh.

    that's an amazing amount of cardio exercise. every day? wow.
    and you would lose 10 pounds in 5 days? not to be argumentative, but come on.
    where is your strength program? and your diary isn't public so what does your nutrition look like? how do you define "cheat" days?
    get you some barbells and dumbbells and get yourself picking them up and putting them down again. bag the cardio until you have a routine and can add some weight while maintaining your form. you will be surprised at the changes you will see and feel in your NOT in 5 days but in 5 weeks, yes and beyond.
  • jenniferlaudine
    Thank you all. I feel better knowing I'm not alone. And I know that one pound a week is good, I just don't want to ever see that pound again. Day my day, yesterday was not so great but today will be better and I will keep trucking along. Thanks for the support.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    Thank you all. I feel better knowing I'm not alone. And I know that one pound a week is good, I just don't want to ever see that pound again. Day my day, yesterday was not so great but today will be better and I will keep trucking along. Thanks for the support.
    That's what were here for :)
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I find that if I do 2-3 really good workouts and keep track of what I eat, I do better than trying to exercise every single day. I usually walk everyday but only for about 20 minutes at work on my lunch break. So, for some people, only working their bodies for a few times a week is better than pushing it too much. I also believe that your body gets into a routine and if you don't mix up the exercise and eating routine, it goes into that mode. I try to switch things up a bit every now and then, especially when I hit a plateau. You are on the right track and as many have said, the weight loss per month that you have been having is very healthy. So, keep up the good work!!