

  • A few years back I took Dianette to control symptoms of a problem I had, Whilst I was on it my breasts kepts growing and growing. Within 6 months I was a 34EE and size 8. I had to stop taking the pill as I didn't know if the growth would stop eventually or not. Buying new bras every month got very expensive.
  • A compliment like that means a lot more than slipping into a smaller dress, keep up the good work x
  • Best of luck xx
  • Look for another job. The temptation is too much. You obviously love the food there so bringing a salad in a lunch box just isn't going to cut it if you are surrounded by all that yummy food. Just like at home, if I don't have it in the house I can't eat it but if it's there I can't resist. You should start looking for a…