48 and 500lbs



  • Best of luck xx
  • Railr0aderTony
    Railr0aderTony Posts: 6,803 Member
    This is the right place, people are very supportive. If you need friends then there are many here. Keep your head up and live day by day. Friend request sent
  • newfette81
    newfette81 Posts: 185
    Good Luck Jim!!! :flowerforyou:

    I've been on the site for about a week now and after trying other sites this is by far the easiest and most friendly site I've been on. I know all too well about slip ups and steps backwards but as long as you keep trying and never give up you will get there :o) Feel free to add me as well for support!
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    Good luck Jim. There are loads of inspirational people on here.

    Why not add Gary. He is awesome and has been in your situation

  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Welcome to the site...MFP is great...it really works! you're right...it will take you time and dedication, but you can do this! The best of luck on your journey!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    Nice to meet you Jim.

    Good luck on your weight loss journey!!!
  • kimmianne89
    kimmianne89 Posts: 428 Member
    Hi! Good luck! :)
  • aamb
    aamb Posts: 377 Member
    hi and good luck with this journey, am sure you can do it!!
  • Angelabec
    Angelabec Posts: 505 Member
    Welcome to MFP, it's a great site, there is loads of support available, if that's what you need, hours of entertainment reading the forums if you like that kind of thing, but most importantly a really great tool for tracking your calories and activity. Good luck on your journey :flowerforyou:
  • randaman54
    randaman54 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck,Jim!
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Hi Jim :)

    Your friends and wife have advised you correctly~Good for you for taking their advice and joining us at MFP. I still consider myself a fairly new member, but I have also enjoyed the benefit of living healthy. Your small daily victories on the scale and NSV (non scale victories) will encourage you personally as we encourage you publicly...YOU CAN DO THIS and this time FOR GOOD!

    This is not about a fad, crash diet, but about changing your relationship with food and learning to exercise every day. Each step you take brings you closer to good health.

    I know I do not have to tell you that even the first 10-20 lbs off will make a noticeable improvement in how you feel and by the time you have hit 40-50, you will begin to feel rejuvinated! Hang in there with us and we will all get healthy TOGETHER!
  • HowieTwoPointZero
    HowieTwoPointZero Posts: 494 Member
    Been there, hell been higher then there. You can do it dude, not alone.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    Hi, I'm Jim. You've probably heard the story a million times. Bottom line is, I've been heavy since I was a kid, with a couple of leaner years from age 18-20, but I didn't reach morbid obesity until I left college and got my first desk job. Since 1988, I've yo-yo dieted from 300 pounds to a 10+ year average around 500. I've taken off 80-150 pounds at a stretch several times, but the weight has always inched back.

    I have tried many different ways to record my food and calories, but none have lasted for long. I was skeptical when my family and friends started raving about My Fitness Pal, but last Friday I took the plunge. I'm still getting the hang of the system, but it helps that my wife knows the app well and has been able to walk me through most of my questions.

    Anyway. With 300+ pounds to lose, I know it's important to pace myself for the long run, and be patient and consistent. I also know that it doesn't take a lot of loss up front to really feel the benefits of the effort.

    So...hi. It's good to be here.

    Welcome to MFP i've been raving it to my friends and colleagues too but all skeptical like you were lol. As long as you stick with it on here and log everything (even the naughty stuff) you'll soon program yourself to a healthier lifestyle. My advice is to get as many MFP friends as poss as they will encourage you and help you along. I've got some fab recipes on here and shared a few of my own too. It's a great welcoming community and as long as your motivated to lose the weight you can't help but lose weight :happy:
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    The cool thing about MFP and counting calories is that...as long as you keep counting the calories and stay motivated...they pounds don't come back. MFP is not a diet plan, its a freakin' lifestyle. LOL

    Welcome and glad you could join us!
  • AnnieFJ
    AnnieFJ Posts: 82 Member
    Welcome Jim, MFP is a brilliant place to be and it works - you're the one who can make it work, and you've taken the first step. You'll get loads of support on here. Go for it! :-)
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Welcome aboard and good luck. It is hard work but well worth it.
  • dankel
    dankel Posts: 1
    Hi Jim!
    I am a yo-yo dieter and scared of what the weight is doing to my health. I will pray for you and your journey. It will not be easy...nothing worthwhile ever is.
    Good luck!
  • Tink_889
    Tink_889 Posts: 244 Member

    Welcome to MFP Jim :) Your attitude sounds really fab and it's great that you have your wife too help out too.

    Wishing you the best of luck on your journey,

    Lottie x
  • shellsrenee01
    shellsrenee01 Posts: 357 Member
    Welcome and good luck to you! This site has been life changing for me. I, too, have yo-yo'd almost my entire life with my weight and over the years it just kept getting higher and higher. Please feel free to add me if you'd like some additional support and encouragement! :happy:
  • soulynyc
    soulynyc Posts: 302 Member
    You can do this. there are many people here to support you . good luck