pjenkinsabq Member


  • I use the a Garmin FR60 and it works well, HR/Cals burned/Time - I have been doing the insanity workouts for awhile and I only bured 400-500 when I started but I can burn over 900 now, you just get better and go longer and harder. Being able to put your age, height and weight is important, it affects the Cals burned.
  • She is only making the comment that cals in vs. cals out is not what you should do,you do have to be smarter than that. I get what she is saying, why does everyone hate so much? Where did she try to discredit the energy balance equation? Just saying she made a simple point and some people have to get all education on it.
  • I tried my free sample when I got my 10 minute trainer dvds and I could not finish the chocolate drink, it was pretty good to start but thick and the more I drank the nastier it got. I felt OK but not much different then I worked out hoping for some extra energy but did not get it. I looked online for an honest review and…