

  • Great info, thank you!
  • Thank you all for your posts! It's good to hear that others have had good experiences with the treadmill training. 95% of my training is done at 5am while my family is asleep so that I do not have to put my girls in the daycare, especially now while the cold/flu season is still rampant and there's so many things to do with…
  • Thank you both for your responses! It does help! I think the level 2 Rolling Hills might have been too much, but if I stick to maybe one day of the hills, a day on a slight incline, and then my long runs either flat or outside that should hopefully help. As long as I get my long runs in on Saturday then my shoes get until…
  • Thanks everyone for your advice! First week went well and I'm beat! I went to a running store here in Nebraska last September and got running shoes then. But that leads to a question - do you wear your running shoes on your strength/cross training days or do you wear different shoes? I've always just worn my running shoes…
  • My first HM is May 18, I've been running indoors all winter and can't wait to get back outside! I did a couple of 5k's last year and have a couple planned for this year along with a 10k I hope after the half! Feel free to add me too!
  • Thanks! I have a 5k race planned in April and am trying to figure out a 10k if there's one out there or just work it in on my own with a friend. I need to figure out the fueling during my runs/race. It seems that there are so many options! I would love to stick to actual foods vs gels or gummies but I really don't know…
  • Good read and great answers! I am just beginning to train for my first half marathon and this post was very helpful!
  • Thank you everyone for your input! I will look for the runners group as suggested and keep on plugging away! Good luck to you all with your training as well!
  • Thank you for your reply and advice!