trishklein Member


  • I'm glad you brought this topic up. I have a neighbor who is friends with me on Myfitnesspal and I can see that she is struggling to lose weight. I looked into her food diary, since it was not locked and right away I could tell that she is completely over estimating the amount of calories burned running. She probably…
  • I LOVE your post too! I have two grown kids around your age that I hope one day do as you are doing. Thanks for the post, and the ENCOURAGEMENT! :) I am going to "like" your FB page also. Blessings, Trish:smile:
  • I shoot for at least 6- 8oz glasses minimum. I sometimes get a full 8 - 8oz glasses in, which is almost half my body weight in ounces, which I have heard is a good place to start. Of course, if you are working out or running and sweating a lot you would need to adjust. Hope this helps!
  • This is an interesting question, as I just researched food for healthy hair yesterday! Protein is the biggest thing. (I am posting it all for you) Food for healthy hair 1. Salmon Besides being rich in protein and vitamin D (both are key to strong hair) the omega-3 fatty acids found in this tasty cold-water fish are the…
  • I just hit my first 10lbs last week, so it took me about 3 1/2 months. I could have lost it quicker but we went on vacation and out of town a few times, which meant eating out. I also wasn't being very disciplined in my diet, but when I watched everything and logged all my food/drink into MFP and stayed within my 1200/cal…
  • When I wanted to detox after I quit drinking, I would soak for 20-30 minutes in Epsom Salt. This has really worked for me, after soaking one a day for a few days I didn't get the detox headaches and flu like symptoms that I got before when I stopped drinking alcohol, so I am guessing that it will help you as well. It sure…
  • Honestly, I wouldn't recommend microwaving anything. If you have to, fine, but who really knows what those microwaves are doing to the nutritional value of your food. Why not steam them naturally? The reason I am saying this (I used to nuke all of my veggies, btw) is because one of my daughter's friends mom used to get…
  • BTW, how you can deal with them is to tell them the simple truth, that you feel really good and healthy at the weight you are at. I would keep it on a positive note or say nothing. :)
  • The better you look, the worse it makes them look, so its more about their own personal conviction in my mind. Along with the many others who have commented on your post, congratulations and thanks for sharing. You are yet one more inspiration to us all! Blessings, Trish
  • I think Tricep pull-ups. I'm sure there are more, but that is one that is really going to target that area.
  • Alcohol has been a struggle for me for years, and now that I am over 50, the weight was really ganging up on me. My daughter gave me that aha moment a while back with regards to alcohols effect on the liver, metabolism, and since I am a hypoglycemic, its been actually dangerous for me. Ok, so being that I am over 50, I…
  • All I can say is INCREDIBLE! I just started this program so you have inspired me. And, yes, you were very brave to post the "before" pic, you have given many hope that they can do it too! :smile: