

  • Mine are set at 1200 as well but I usually only eat 400 if even :( sad thing is, I'm an LPN in the state of NY n I specialize in psychiatric nursing so I know the things my patients experience first hand. It's hard looking at a teenager with an NG tube telling her she has to eat while I'm secretly starving myself!!!!
  • Thank u :) I was doing really well I was working out 4 days a week at my local planet fitness (building lean muscles) but I screwed my back up so my automatic rational was "ok can't work out so can't eat" it's scary especially since I have 2 10 year old nieces who r seeing this n thinking it's normal :-/ I do see a…
  • Ppl plateau all the time in addition to the fact that muscle does weigh more than fat so if u r building lean muscles u won't see the scale change as much as u will notice clothes fitting differently etc!!!!!! Try increasing ur calories by 200 for a week or 2 n see if that makes any difference :) N keep up the good work :)
  • I thought the point of having friends was so when u slip n fall they help u up n encourage u to keep moving forward :-/ I am sorry ur friends list shrunk obviously those ppl weren't in it to be supportive!!!! I just realized u can add friends on here lol :) I've had the mfp app on my iPhone for a long time n unfortunately…
  • Lol I knew it was one of them :) I honestly never noticed it tasting like applesauce but then again I usually never eat enough of it to really tell :) can't u also use like diet soda?
  • Homemade fruit n yogurt parfait with homemade granola clusters :p delicious!!!! Or smoothies :) yummm n just about any "bakery item u make.......I believe it's the butter/oil or milk (ud have to look it up lol) u can sub in sugar free applesauce n it doesn't change the taste :)