

  • Trust me on this, yoga and pilates. And I agree with those that suggested lunges and squats. You can also get an exercise ball or a bosu ball - plenty of DVDs out there that would give you a great work out.
  • I do the mini meals thing - so in between breakfast and lunch I eat veggies...take several bags with me to work - baby carrots, cucumber, celery....they keep me full until I have my lunch. For breakfast I'm eating Special K and skim milk....
  • I sometimes where a baseball cap even though I have long hair - you can throw them in the washer too....
  • I was one of the few female lead singers of a heavy metal band in the 80's and 90's - no, never made it big - played lots of big stages for big crowds but never made a dime. Now I'm the Senior Paralegal at a State Regulatory Agency - who'd a thunk it!
  • No need to replace it!!! I only drink a Coke as a treat, out at dinner, maybe once a month? Water is all I drink on a daily basis - haven't been a "soda drinker" in 18 years. If you really need something different, try putting cucumbers, strawberries or something like that in your water to infuse it. Soda is just crap -…
  • That mean comment was from pure JEALOUSY!!!!
  • Go check out Dr. Oz's website regarding things he suggest for kick starting metabolism. I LOVE Jillian, but I'll take a doctor's advice over a trainer's advice any day. My husband is now on L-Carnatine and I'm taking CLA. Dr. Oz also suggest white kidney bean extract and it's either Raspberry Ketone or something like that.…
  • Agree with Christina. And, depending on your age, that could play a factor as well. I added several tabs to my Food Diary, which in turn, made me give up Light Yogurt because of how much sugar it has! I am almost 49, 6 feet tall and weigh 164, which is the heaviest I've ever been in my life - for the past 4 years I've been…