Ways to excercise without equipment..



  • weffie11
    weffie11 Posts: 91
    Bruises on the hips from the hula hoop - it's where it's squidging the fat!! Just keep going if it's not painful - it goes away!! I had them on both sides, but they weren't painful. The more you do it, the easier it gets!!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    I just bought a weighted hula hoop ($35)

    LMFAO, i thought i was crazy when i saw that you said a packet of crisps was $35... then the facepalm moment hit me when i realised you meant the hoop :embarassed:


    Anyway,for cardio I sometimes run in place, do jumping jacks, butt kickers.
  • psych0kitty
    psych0kitty Posts: 313
    I hula hoop as well, but I made my own hoops with irrigation tubing. :D

    Here's the body weight circuit I do at home http://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/2009/12/09/beginner-body-weight-workout-burn-fat-build-muscle/ We have a pair of 15-lb dumbbells which are what I use now for the rows, but I started out with a 5-lb bag of flour in a handled bag and then went to a 10-lb bag of sugar.
  • DeevahLee
    DeevahLee Posts: 11
    I am doing p90x right now which is intense. But before i was doing zumba on the xbox kinect and also dance central. Both are fun and have different levels and before you know it the work out is over. I hope this helps. Good luck on your journey!
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    Food wise if it doesn't grow or graze dont eat it.

    For someone just starting out, this kind of extreme change can lead to someone thinking this is a lot harder than it needs to be. Incorporating more fresh fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins is important yes, and I like the idea that MOST of what we eat should follow your philosophy... but I don't think it's fair to tell someone they need to stop eating everything else.

    I just had a creamy chocolatey fudge pop. It was delicious. It fits into my caloric goals for the day at 100 calories and doesn't send my sugar/carbs skyrocketing... pretty sure at least some of the ingredients didn't grow or graze, and I have been doing great.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,638 Member
  • lindenanne
    Trust me on this, yoga and pilates. And I agree with those that suggested lunges and squats. You can also get an exercise ball or a bosu ball - plenty of DVDs out there that would give you a great work out.
  • stongjos
    stongjos Posts: 63 Member
    I have a tennis racquet and a ball and I go to a school nearby (outside of school hours) where I can hit balls on the side of the brick wall. My children love to come with me and we often do little tournaments. We don't have expensive equipement but we have a lot of fun.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I do zwow's from you tube at home, or any hiit workout. They've worked better than anything else I've done and most workouts don't take more than 20 mns of my day.
  • littlebudgie
    littlebudgie Posts: 279 Member
    You Are Your Own Gym is a great book with tons of body-weight (equipment-free) exercises, plus there's a series of workout routines for various levels of skill at the back, plus it has instructions for how to put together your own routines. It's a kick-*kitten* book.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    Do you have an iPhone of iPad? There are loads of really good apps on there that I am using while I am away travelling x
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I do a little circuit while I watch tv: dips using my computer chair, push-ups with my feet up on my bed, then crunches, then normal push-ups. Rinse and repeat.
  • kiiks52
    kiiks52 Posts: 21
    Check out http://zuzkalight.com/category/workout/

    They are high intensity workouts (including squats and lunges that others have mentioned) that can easily be done in your living room with minimal to no equipment and completed between 15-30 minutes.. A new workout is posted each week, and usually they are time challenges where your goal is to complete the exercises as fast as you can. I keep a log for each workout and write my time down so I can come back to it later and see if I've improved on time.

    If you're a beginner, you won't need to worry about even getting cheap dumbbells for a while. The trainer has plenty of exercises that don't require any equipment at all, and for the ones that do require equipment, you can usually get a good workout as a beginner just leaving them out for the time being, or grabbing something around the house such as a bottle of bleach as your weight, for example.

    I really love it because I can move at my own pace and I'm doing cardio and strength training at the same time. Don't be fooled. The workouts are hard. They are supposed to be. But if you decide to try them, I think the best way to go about it is to commit to finishing the workout as fast as you can, but -do not- give up! It's ok if it takes you 30 minutes longer than the trainer. If you complete the exercises and are pushing yourself, you will improve.

    Several days ago, I was doing push-ups on my knees. After several days of these workouts and pushing through them, I successfully did 30 total push-ups during my workout without using any knees :)) I really encourage you to at least check the site out.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Broom. Trust me that's a great strength exercise machine right there. Flex your muscles & use it as resistance.

    Walk at home 5 mile (grab it off YouTube) it's brilliant & WILL work up a sweat :heart:

    Planks, pushups, reverse pushups........

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W7UgCfbVfkE I love love love this workout.
  • sonny368
    sonny368 Posts: 61
    I used to run 5 k something more alternated with Insanity, is ok to power up with no equipment right now i stay only with cross fitting, i have to change following the stress my body have to handle in certain periods.
  • DistractedGrace
    Food wise if it doesn't grow or graze dont eat it.

    I like that! I still haven't got there, but I am working towards it!
  • tonyoconnor129
    tonyoconnor129 Posts: 46 Member
    All of the above are great advice. For my money, or lack thereof, the best cardio exercise is walking. The next best would be climbing trees and swinging from the branches. :smile:
    Seriously. We are built for walking and climbing trees. Not that I do any of the second any more, when I was a kid if there was a tree I was in it. I do have some inexpensive equipment, either hand me downs from in laws or cheap purchases at yard sales from other people who have spent way more money on stuff than I ever want to. Almost all of the 12 pounds I have lost so far is due to walking a LOT and eating less. I am Vegetarian, and have been for 20 + years. That does not necessarily mean I made healthy food choices. It is amazing how much pizza I can eat in a sitting :smile: Portion control is key.
  • theblackspot
    theblackspot Posts: 22 Member
    Food wise if it doesn't grow or graze dont eat it.

    I like that!

    me too.
  • Clement1ne
    Burpees are a total body workout and can be hard to do at first, but I recommend you try them and get used to them. They are the best exercise that doesn't require equipment.

    This is a Burpee with a Push-Up (Don't do the push-up to start, just do the Burpee, the whole action MINUS the push-up when you get to the ground): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYfNA_lmkHM

    Squats are also great but eventually your body will get used to squatting with your own weight so later on you may have to add weight somehow for more challenge & intensity. Do 3 sets of 20 if you can that will get your heard rate up. Keep your back super straight and your chest out with shoulders back, and make sure your knees ARE NOT going inwards when you squat down or passing your ankles - this is very bad for the knees, I have personal experience so believe me).

    Plank is great for the abs. There is the basic plank and a side plank.
    A Regular Plank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHQmRINu4jU
    A Side Plank: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqzrb67Dwf8

    I do all of these regularly with my Personal Trainer.

    All the best, good luck! :smile:
  • tammymusic1
    tammymusic1 Posts: 243 Member
    I've lost 60lbs in the last year without every stepping foot in a gym. What I have Jullian Micheals 30day shred , Jackie warner circuit training (my favorite) a pair of 5lb weights pretty cheap from sports challet . THen I starting running 4 months ago using C25K to start. Lost 20lbs in 6wks when I first starting running. Now Iove running. Although if you are serious about running you will need to invest in some good shoes