

  • You can always eat fruit or peanuts. just remember to watch how much you eat. Drink a ton of water to it makes you feel full. Another suggestion watch your sodium Intake. Sodium retains water and you dont want that.
  • A 2nd honeymoon sounds awesome! Losing weight is hard but with the right support and self motivation you will be looking amazing for your husband this summer. [; Drink a lot of water and be careful of your sodium intake. Eat whatever you want just watch your portions. Walk for 45 min or run. Do yoga it helps if you want to…
  • Don't feel discouraged. If you're scared to weigh yourself you can always tape measure your waist and hips every 2 weeks. just remember drink a ton of water and careful with your sodium intake. Keep up the good work! [;
  • Hi there, I feel you about losing weight for the military. I'm going through the same thing with the USMC. They suggested; -drink a ton of water avoid anything with sugar. -RUN, RUN, RUN! Run for about 45 min. or more. Also keep track of your speed the faster you go the more you burn. -Eat more veggies and fruit. -Eat…