

  • This is true but not all chicken is equal. It sounds like you know the source of your chicken and how it was raised and butchered but you are in the minority. How meat is raised and handled after slaughter has a BIG impact on the relative healthiness of the meat. If anyone is not sure why it matters, I suggest watching the…
  • My son watched the "Forks Over Knives" documentary last year and converted to vegetarian. I have not watched it but based on my own reading, we have just instituted 'Meatless Monday' - if for no other reason than another excuse for us to experiment in the kitchen. :smile:
  • There is some evidence that the increased incidence of fertility problems in the US is linked to consumption of GMO 'Round-up ready' crops. A long term study has just been initiated at one of the eastern universities (can't remember which one at the moment) but it will be years before we know for certain if there is…