

  • Thanks for asking and for answering! :-) But one more I just chop my cauliflower and then run it through my food processor to create this riced effect?!?
  • I want to be a healtheir mom for my kids, feel sexier for my husband & not cringe at every photo I see of myself!
  • I can only really focus on the calories...too many numbers stress me out! LOL But I find that when I try to eat a VARIETY of foods, in the right portion size, that it mostly balances itself out. One day I might go over in suger, the next in sodium etc etc. But in the bigger picture of things, it evens out. I do try to shop…
  • My children's school has a policy that he would have been sent to acedemic recess (I know that is a complete oxymoron! LOL). He would not have been allowed outside in the extreme cold without a coat. I doubt they would have called about a coat....maybe a note from the teacher at the end of the day that explained that he…
  • For BF's husband that has been a personal trainer with Bally's for ages, it's not such a nice change! He and his fellow employees found out via the newspaper of the change. Lovely Christmas gift Bally's has given them. LA Fitness will not guarantee them a job....not to mention they pay less and don't provide benefits. Both…
  • I know when I need to really address something sensitive with my MIL, I make my hubby do it. She just receives what has has to say better than what I have to say. She doesn't over analize what he says. She knows his love is unconditional. And it's with love that this topic needs to be addressed. I'm not saying skip out of…
  • While I can not vouch for the calorie counts, my friend who is very committed to healthy, well rounded eating, writes a blog about her daughter's daily school lunches. Now, Molly will eat just about anything, so there is a big variety of's not just "kids foods". I wish my friend was making my lunch, to say the…
  • My sights are set on being below 200 too! We can do it! :smile:
  • Awesome!! I am so happy for you!! I can't wait until I am writing a post like this with great beofre & after stats & pictures! :smile:
  • I see it! :smile: It's the only way I can see it on myself so far...the fact that my clothes fit nicer, and in some cases, are too big! Woohoo!
  • I am a Mom to two picky eaters, trying to introduce my whole family to a healtheir way of eating...and yet I still need to feed them! And sitting down to family meals with them is important. So certainly don't eat like the way these people are talking about! More power to them, I like food too much to be that strict about…
  • Awesome - I've been trying to keep my cooked portion at a cup! But knowing that's 2oz dry is super helpful! If I am logging in a whole recipe, I will just do the whole package & divide thing, but sometimes I just keep it simple and say I had some penne with sauce! Thanks to everyone for helping me sort this out! MFP is the…
  • Sounds perfect! Enjoy! :-)
  • This is what I do with my old favorite recipes.....I use reduced fat products everywhere I could...the cheese, mayo etc. Then I cut down the portion maybe traditionally it feeds 6, but maybe it needs to feed 8-10, and served with a small salad. Gives me a taste of my favorites without overdoing it. I'd like to…
  • Maybe an all women's gym is something to consider. There is one near me, and many of my friends that are members love it, because that whole pressure to "impress the guys" mentality is completely absent. It's just women of all sizes trying to do their best to be healthier.
  • It feels great - doesn't it?!? I wore some nice dress pants this past Sunday to church, that I honestly can't remember the last time I wore them, (if ever?!?). Happy day for me! :-) And I can't wait to fit into more clothes that I too have kept "in case"!
  • I often have the same problem when I do the early a.m. exercise, so I am anxious to see what advice is given! Thanks for asking.
  • I have friend that has the same sounding issue and she invested in a quality juicer and juices all her fruits & veggies. Something about liquifying it all helps her body to digest & process them without all the physical grief & pain...but she doesn't loose the nutritinal value. Something for you to consider!
  • I recently got magazine subscriptions to "Taste of Home's Healthy Cooking" and "Cooking Light"....jam packed with great recipies thay my husband and I are loving! Of course you can probably find alot of them on line too! I love that they include new recipies, as well as "makeover recipies" where they re-work classics and…
  • My suggestion is to purge your house of all the junky foods, so when you want that TV snack later in the evening you only have the choice to reach for something healthy to snack's the only thing that has worked for me!
  • I forget now where I was reading this, but I read that if you drain the grease off your ground meat AND rinse the meat in hot water in can seriously bring down the fat content and calories. I was fascinated....something to consider when trying to eat ground beef and cut back on fat & calories. Here is a favorite recipe for…
  • Peanut you are talking! That could be a winner for all three of ladies! :-)
  • AWESOME FOR YOU! I haven't done any measurements since starting....I think I better go dig out the measuring tape and do it right now! Thanks for reminding me! :smile:
  • I wondered this too! I realize it's probably very different for every couple/individual...but it's got to be my favorite way to burn calories! LOL ;-)
  • For me, late evening/night is my week spot. I put my girls to bed around 9pm and then I am on my own (my hubby work 7pm-7am). To help myself from eating my through the kitchen, I've taken to brushing my teeth with my girls as they get ready for bed. When I do this, it saves me from unnecessary eating, because I don't want…
  • I just started last Tuesday...there is still too much "holiday" going on, on January 1st! Best of luck as you work towards a healthier you!
  • I had a bad weekend too! But I'm putting it behind me, and starting fresh on Monday! It's all we really can do. We are human, and we are going to have bad days now and then, but we don't have to give in to those old kind of ways entirely! If you had the ability to stay as disciplined as you've been before the weekend, you…
  • Super helpful, all of you! Thanks for helping me clarify. :smile: Our entire house drinks primarily water to begin with, but I don't neccessarily think about how much I in-take daily. I just drink when I am thirsty and with a meal etc. And I find myself far less thirsty in the winter (now in the summer, I have ice water at…