

  • I'm keeping this for when I start back at school this fall and start complaining again about how impossible it is to be healthy on campus!! Thanks for the inspiration :)
  • Thanks for the clarification. I'm still pretty new to this (It took me awhile to find the motivation, joined date is not start date) so I appreciate it! :)
  • If you're working out, eating at a calorie deficit, and consuming enough protein I thought building muscle was possible? Otherwise what's the point of working out besides upping the caloric deficit? As for OP's question, I'm in the same boat. Jogging stretches are cut short by leg muscle pain not lung distress so I'm…
  • I'm eating 1 cup sauteed broccoli, 1 ear of corn on the cob, and 4 oz tilapia for about 340 cal for dinner tonight. Dubling the amount of meat or adding another ear of corn would get you to 440. I don't put butter on the corn anymore, just salt, and I season both the fish and broccoli with lemon pepper. The broccoli is…
    in Dinner Comment by rjd9266 July 2013
  • At 5' 6" my lowest healthy weight is 125...so it seems to me that 121 might me a bit low since you're a full ince taller than me. Instead of focusing on such a small number, how about getting back down to 138 and then forget the scale and work on toning. That's more likely to give you the body you want and in a healthier…
  • At least you can get them to work...I've decided the calluses on my feet must be too thick because I spent extra money on a bf% scale (as a progress tool, not assuming it would be very accurate) and it gives me an error EVERY SINGLE TIME! It works fine for my boyfried. >.>
  • I actually left my scale in another state when I moved for my summer job. If I have it with me I can't seem to stop myself from weighing obsessively a couple times a day, then getting discouraged when all my hard work doesn't have instant results. So I'm just focusing on being healthy for the next 3 months, counting…
  • What a wonderful article, thanks for posting!
  • Thanks for the help everybody. I do have a gym at school but I'm out of the state for summer, and when I go back I have a super weird schedule. I plan on utilizing it, but the machines look so complicated lol. As far as classes go, the ones I would enjoy I have hard time fitting into my class schedule. I really appreciate…
  • I moved to another state for my summer job, and didn't bring my scale with me for this very reason! It's so easy to get discouraged and give up, its happened to me too many times before and I am determined to not undermine myself anymore. So I'm just focusing on being healthy and hoping the weight does what its supposed…
  • A heart rate monitor will definitely help you! I'm not 100% sure if all of them track calories burned, but mine had me enter my height and weight when I first got it and now every time I measure my HR while working out it pops up with the calories burned after reporting my heart rate. Just look at the packaging when you…
  • I've been debating whether a food scale is worth it or not. Thanks for helping covince me it is! I'm at the beginning of this journey but hopefully in a year or so I can write a similar post :)