

  • Love it!
  • Thank you everyone! All of your kind words and advice are greatly appreciated and I'll be sure to go back from time to time and re-read your comments when I feel like I'm going to fall. ;-)
  • Thank you everyone! Your suggestions really do help. I do know that once I get going I'll be fine. It's those first initial few weeks that I struggle with. I just feel lazier than I have ever been with everything in my life, including work and my personal life. I've tried doing things like putting my alarm clock on the…
  • I'm sorry to hear that happened, but you have to remember that there are just really stupid, insensitive people out there that have nothing better to do then act like idiots. Instead of letting the haters get you down, use them to build you up. You've come a very long way (Congratulations on the weight loss by the way!) so…