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Despite the fact that I know significant weight loss is going to be a long and arduous journey, I tend to get frustrated and give up when it's not happening fast enough for me. I pay too much attention to the numbers on the scale and never give myself enough credit for the work that I've done. Sometimes I feel like I do all this work for nothing when I know deep down that is not true and I have a loving and supportive boyfriend who tells me time and time again how proud he is of me. Anyone have any words of wisdom to help me stay on track? I'm just worried I'm going to get bored/busy/frustrated, etc, and give up again for the hundreth time. Thanks!


  • ElaineDianne70
    ElaineDianne70 Posts: 243 Member
    One workout at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time, one day at a time.
    ~Chalene Johnson
  • jennro7781
    jennro7781 Posts: 208
    One workout at a time, one meal at a time, one pound at a time, one day at a time.
    ~Chalene Johnson

    LOVE that!!!! :)
  • crystal10584
    photos help. it's hard to see a difference looking in the mirror every day, but once every month, take a picture and look at the progress.
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 581 Member
    You need to request more friends so they can motivate you. That keeps you going -- as your status updates pops up, you have folks who will comment on it. You can request me if you want. Good luck in your weight loss journey. You can do this!!!!
  • WMayfield
    WMayfield Posts: 19
    It is hard to put in a lot of effort and see very SLOW progress. But I tell myself it took me years to develop bad habits and will take time to develop good ones. Believe your boyfriend when he compliments you on your efforts!

    we're all doing this together
  • mjtmorr
    mjtmorr Posts: 75
    This is something I remind myself of over and over; The weight did not just appear over night and if I am determined to lose it and keep it off, I will have to change my lifestyle and my habits, work hard at my intake, eliminate junk food maybe one or two types at a time and learn portion control, you must keep moving, walk, run, workout, whatever just keep moving and the weight will go the same way it came a little at a time and you will stand a better chance of keeping it off.
    I don't know if this will help you at all but it helps to keep me focused on one simple thing this is a marathon not a sprint. Good luck on your journey.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so I wrote this a long time ago, under my former username, but I think it still applies.
  • NotAllWhoWanderAreLost
    if you have a stubborn side to you (i sure do! LOL) put it to good use and refuse to settle for anything less than healthy. Be stubborn even thru your mistakes that you are not done, simply derailed, and that this is what you want. You will SETTLE. FOR. NO. LESS.

    Grab a good handful of MFP friends to keep you motivated.

    Take pictures and measurements

    Make a few shorter-term specific & attainable goals. Set yourself with a string of victories and let it snowball :)

    And above all, remember, time is going to pass anyways... you may as well be patient and reach your goal in a healthy manner, right? :flowerforyou:
  • erisfreenici
    erisfreenici Posts: 277 Member
    Don't let the scale be your guide during this process. Write down one positive thing about being healthy every day, and when you are having a particularly bad day, look over the list. Weigh yourself AT MOST once a week. Make sure it's the same time of day, I prefer in the morning after I go to the bathroom. Also make sure you weight yourself with the same amount of clothing on (or off ;)) every time. Pictures are a great idea, also taking measurements is great. I haven't lost any weight in 1.5 weeks, but I lost an inch in my waist since the last time I measured.

    Getting better at exercise also makes me stay on track. I really enjoy being able to do 20-30 minutes of intense cardio without stopping for air or having my heart rate go through the roof.
  • kna1977
    kna1977 Posts: 6
    Thank you everyone! All of your kind words and advice are greatly appreciated and I'll be sure to go back from time to time and re-read your comments when I feel like I'm going to fall. ;-)
  • Starlage
    Starlage Posts: 1,709 Member
    I feel the same way. It's so easy to get frusterated when things arent happening quickly. I'm convinced weight loss shows have ruined my brain, poisoned the way I think about weight loss. They always do it so rapidly so when I'm working on it by myself I get frusterated when I got a couple of weeks without a change and get bored with the healthy food. Argh. This time around I'm still struggling with that myself. I started this about 1 1/2 months ago- at first calling it a diet, but now deciding it's a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. not a diet. It's easier to keep with it that way. I just have to look at it as 'this is how i'm supposed to eat and exercise, I was doing it wrong before' I also just cannot deprive myself at all. I have to let myself have that little treat here or there and a day off from counting and exercising to continue on it and remind myself that those things are necessary and normal! Everything in moderation, right? We all have to learn how to eat properly again, exercise like we're supposed to and the weight will come off slowly over time. I say again though, I'm constantly reminding myself of these so that I don't give up! I REALLY like the earlier comment about making a list of all the pros of what we're doing so that when you're discouraged or tempted you can look at it and be reminded. I've done my best to swear off the scale except for weighing once a week (i try to wait for once every other week but that's really tough!) and I've measured at the same time but haven't seen great changes in that area yet. It helps me to have friends on here- like someone said earlier they comment on your posts/ food diary etc and give you encouragement, really helps a lot :o) I've found a couple of recurring threads "groups" is a better term- of people that post daily, talk about everything and anything, get to know eachother. That's helped a ton too. Make friends and be patient is the bottom line I think :o)