

  • You can start off with as many cards as you want. I started with 10. my goal is to increase by 3 cards per week so that I will be at jus over half the deck in 6 weeks. It works like this: Deal yourself however many cards that you want to work with. Lets say you do 6 cards and get a 9 of hearts, King of clubs, 10 of…
  • I'm VERY new to the whole Living Healthy lifestyle!!! i gotta admit...I HATE WORKING OUT!!! But i know i gotta do it if i want to live! I promised myself once i lost my first 15lbs, i would get a trainer to learn how to workout. So I did! I just had my second session with her and i gotta tell ya, it wasnt that bad!!…
    in Day 1 Comment by ashaewill March 2013
  • Welcome and congrats on your success so far!!!
  • Way to go!!!!! :happy: