leanmama3 Member


  • lol your fur family sounds adorable! thanks for sharing. it was a welcome quick break. now back to work it is :sad:
  • wow! take it slow is all i can say. once they're mobile you'll burn a heck of a lot of calories running after them! :laugh:
  • Interesting. I've always wondered about the validity of the studies done on this. I'm just not hungry in the mornings but ravenous at night. I tried eating breakfast and I was still ravenous at night which means I just consumed more calories when I did eat breakfast. For now, I just drink coffee and save my calories for…
  • anything stirfry is easy. just put a little sesame oil in wok (or frying pan), throw diced veggies in there (broccoli, carrots, peas, etc. - frozen's fine if you're really lazy :wink: ), throw in an egg or some other protein, some brown rice, saute for a few minutes with soy sauce and voila! to keep it low calories, don't…
  • Hello! I'm a 32 year old looking to get fit and healthy for the first time in my life. I've always wanted to be skinny but now that I'm married with a kid, I'm shifting my focus to health. Must admit - I'd like to get skinny in the process though :tongue: I'd love to make some friends on here to hold me accountable!
  • I'm a working mom to an almost 4 year old and have about 15-20 lbs to lose. I LOVE junk food and hate to exercise so it's really an uphill battle :sad: Please add me! I'd love make some friends on here :happy:
  • I'm mommy to an almost 4 year old who is the light of my life and at the same time, the bane of my existence. lol. just kidding (sort of). I love my husband and my son and want to a good example. Also am a bit of a hypochondriac and want to ensure I live in a way that will have me around for a looong time. I have about…