

  • for the people who have gotten surgery, you all seem happy with your results. I'm always just afraid of something like surgery cause I don't want big scars or to have problems because of it later down the line. I read the link that was posted and it seems if I just focus on lowering my % body fat that that will…
  • I may be the odd one out in not recommending that you leave him, but I think people don't place a high value on marriage these days as much as they used to. I know you didn't come here for marriage advice, perse, but it's all related. Lose the weight for YOU, as everyone else has been saying. If he leaves you because you…
  • I started a bit higher than you (300), but my goal is the same :). I'm a female of the same height as you. I'm at 203.2 now and you've inspired me to keep on going. You look awesome, by the way!
  • Instead of chips or pretzels, I eat an apple or some strawberries. You'd think since apples and strawberries aren't salty and crunchy that they'd be a poor substitute, but I've gotten quite used to it and I very rarely crave the chips anymore.
  • Most weeks, I did not lose 2.3 lbs...I typically lost between 1-2 lbs. every week. It's just that the very first week, I lost massive amounts of weight, something like 12 lbs. in the first week, no joke. You have no idea how horribly I was eating -- something like a 12 pack of soda, 2-3 family sized bags of chips, a box of…
  • Thanks to everyone who responded. I definitely don't plan on giving up, although it is frustrating. I actually took your advice and took a picture of myself wearing the same outfit now that I had a picture of myself in August 2012, and there definitely is a difference. The shirt fit me then, and it's a lot looser now. I…
  • Not a guy, but thought I'd comment. The first dress is more cute and sweet, second dress is sexier. I would personally prefer the first one, but that's just cause it's more my style. Really, it's up to you. They both look great!
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