

  • I thought it would be cool if we all shared a favorite recipe that's pretty good and somewhat healthy. That way we can all check out. Each others choice of foods and we can have something new to cook. Share away ladies!
  • Welcome to the thread. I hope you find it very motivating and up lifting. Please do post your thoughts and ideas.
  • Hey mommas! Where y'all at? Feel free to talk...share your thoughts about whatever. Hope we can get more. People involved and talking. Just incase y'all aren't sure how to get back to the thread. I've founf the easiest way is to go to your community tab and right before the thread topics..there are little subtitles...Go to…
  • My answer to todays question is...yes and no. Yes because I know inside I will feel soooooo much better. I will have way more energy, be able to run around with my children like I want to without feeling as if I am going to pass out afte r a few minutes, be motivated to do more, and wear somw of my old clothes that I…
  • Hey Y'all! Sorry didn't post much yesterday! I was super busy. I just did a lady's nursery... I made the bedding, window treatments, wall decor, and designed everything in it. It was a tedious task but thankfully its all put together and just have minor tweaks to do before its all done. Hope to finish 100 percent tomorrow.…
  • Hey Ladies....Hope y'all had a fabulous weekend. My weekend was nice. Thanks Holly for the great challenges. Hopefully we will get a good response from the other moms to participate. Iknow this water challenge is most certainly a CHALLENGE for me. But I'm up for it. Well I hope evryones evening went well. I will talk more…
  • Hey Y'all! I'm sure many are in the land of sleep but I just got in not long ago from date night with my hubby! Our very first time having a babysitter other than my family. It went soooo well. Yeaaaa! Our date was awesome too but I added on way more calories than I burned off today. I knew it was gonna happen so I had…
  • WElcome to our group! A new group full of awesome women who share so much in common...whosupport one another and motivate. I hope you enjoy this group as much as I have. You have a great story. I encourage you to keep on keepin on.
  • Ummmm okay super momma! HIGH FIVE girlfriend. You have convinced me officially to get a wii. Glad u had a wonderful day. You inspire us all. Huggss
  • My favorite color is brown...Aside from loving the way I look in it....Its a strong color and blends well when put with other colors. Brown is like an enhancing color...its put with other colors to make them spark. That's kind of how I see myself. I feel sometimes I bring out the best in others and I blend well. My…
  • OMG I am so mad... I just typed this long post n it deleted. UUUGGHH Anyway Goodmornin Y'all! Hope you have a great and wonderful day. I'm defrosting myself....hubby forgot to put out trash so I had to run out in this 20 degree weather to put it out. Got the blood pumpin and flowing. I'm looking forward to this weekend. We…
  • QUESTION: Being a SAHM, a lot of time we find it difficult to find the time to exercise...we either have excuses, can't go to gym cause we can't find a sitter, have a million other things to do at home than workout, too tired, etc... I'm sure y'all can relate to this or one million other excuses.... What is your FAVORITE…
  • Welcome to the group! I am sure u will find lots of support here. Feel free to express your ideas, thoughts and concerns.
  • Welcome Cakedva! We just started this lil group and so far we have a great group of mommas. Feel free to post your thoughts ideas and such about whatever you are feeling. We are here to motivate and support one another. It seems easier to get advice from individuals we can relate to. So again welcome! And to all of our new…
  • Advice like this is the reason I am so glad I. Joined this site. Thanks! :o)
  • Sad face sad face!! Y'all I gained 1.8lbs. This totally sucks! For one I have no idea what I've done wrong and 2 well....the same as number one. Maybe I need to exercise more. I dunno. My cycle is about to come on. Could it possibly be from that. My body does hold a great deal of fluid and I actually take prescribed meds…
  • Well we are def here for u chick! Hopefully we can become the support system we all need to continue on successfully! You can do it. And remember its so important to find "ME" time even if its 30 minutes before or after kids are in bed. Make time for u...its important. I am slowly learning this more and more. Its makes for…
  • G'Morning Girl! I do hope u have a fabulous day! Inches are ALWAYS good because its definitely a goodf feeling to be able to fit in clothes you hadn't or have the ones you are wearing loose. You obviously are burning up somewhere. So that's a great thing. Yayyy!1 Continue to be encouraged!
  • QUESTION: What do you want to gain out of loosing weight? How has the road to weight loss and a healthy lifestyle been so far? I look forward to hearing from everyone. Wishing y'all a happy, successful day. Move over over calories...cause here I come!
  • My answer to the question would be two things actually...1.not how much or how often I eat because if that werew the case I shoul dbe skinny LOL but the quality- its what I'm eating. High in sugars, sodium, lots of carbs. Calorie packed pretty much. I realize it now that I've been watching what goes in. The other thing is…
  • Its so great to hear from so many other women with the same common issue. So often we as mothers neglect ourselves. Staying at home makes it a lot easier for us to get stuck in a rut and very difficult to climb ourselves out of it. I am just so glad that I finally have gotten to the point where I know I a now ready to make…
  • I think this too is a very common issue amongst couples. But you know you might just be her inspiration in the making. I realized that no on can make us loose weight it has to be a personal decision or else we will end up in failure. So, when you walking the beach looking great she might just be like Dits my turn now."…
  • Its very nice to see that so many couple support one another even if the other doesn't share the same issues. I thank God daily for an extremely supportive husband. He is very encouraging and tried to keep me on the right track because I've askeds him too. I gained a lot of weight after having 3 children literally back to…
  • You can do it. Just believe in yourself. I am very sure that you have worked extremely hard to get where u are right now. Eating out of stress will only make u feel worst afterward. Go I with a positive mindset and knowing you will not induldge into the sinful temptations around you. I'll be praying for ya. I have faith…
  • Thank you all so much for your advice and suggestions. I think I will try to do the fruit snacks periodically through the day. I am nt much of a snacker and at the end of the sayd have calories remaining...possibly I need to be using them for healthy snacks. I have a 3,4. And 5 year old so I stay pretty busy during the day…
  • Themommie- Thanks. That's wonderful and congrats on your success. I do hope to find encouragement and such within the sight. So many people I know count calories and have been successful at it so I figure since I am now ready to loose I will try it out. I agree it is definitely something you have to WANT to do and have…
  • Awsome! Thanks for replying. I will add you and feel free to message me anytime. Its a very difficult thing to do with a lot of emotional ups and downs , but I am motivated. Look forward to hearing from ya!