

  • I too, am VERY frustrated! I'm in week three. Week one I lost 6 pounds, then week 2 I exercised more and ate even more healthfully, and I lost .2 pounds! This week I feel like I'm doing even better, but am at EXACTLY the same weight!!!!!! Same thing, my husband says, "I can tell you're losing weight." BUT I"M NOT!!!!!!!…
  • I am sooooo not looking forward to all the treats that are sure to be in staff lounge tommorow! Anybody have any great tips for going easy/avoidance? Thanks!
  • Have you noticed in the cardio section it lists playing piano as exercise? I'm a music teacher, I play piano on and off all day long. I'm not supposed to count up those minutes am I? If piano playing was really exercise I don't think I'd look the way I do!
  • If I have too much diet pop with aspartame, I get a raging headache... When I was pregnant, I gave up pop. I felt great! Give birth, drink pop again, headaches resumed. I didn't make the connection until a few years later when I gave up caffiene. I realized I wasn't addicted to caffiene, it was the aspartame. I now drink…
  • Hi! I'm brand new to this site. Just last night I had my official weigh in. I'm participating in a local "biggest loser" competition. (not the one on NBC) We have 12 weeks to get in shape, lose weight, get healthy, etc. There are 24 of us competing, the winner gets a brand new jeep! It's based on percentage of weight loss,…