marybowldseddington Member


  • That is awesome! I had gestational diabetes that did not go away and take metformin. I am hoping that with regular exercise I cant get to just be diet/exercise control. My A1C was always normal or borderline but my fasting sugars and insulin numbers were consistently high. More insulin resistant but high fasting numbers…
  • Thank you everyone. Slow and steady is my hope and motto. Changes may only come slow but the best part about this lifestyle change is that I really enjoy working out. I just started Stronglifts since the middle of May. I like that I can look at the app and see that I could only bench press a 35 lb bar and now can do 55. I…
  • If someone is blatantly talking to my chest instead of to my face, I will usually make a smart mouth comment like , "quick what color are my eyes"...they immediatley look at my eyes and recognize that they were staring at my chest. We both then laugh it off with a gee thanks I appreciate that you like them..sort of thing.…
  • I am 5ft 0 inches. I weigh 153. My waist is 36 and my hips are 42. When I first weighed in at 163 My hips were 42 but my waist was 41.
  • I think you look adorable! I don't know you but your smile shines through in all of your pictures. You are owning up to your weight and every lb counts. 29 lbs is awesome....Next year on here with consistency it can be 129! I love it that your husband thinks your sexy..go you! To have a lover through out your journey is a…
  • That is awesome. I wish I could swim better. I know a couple of strokes but I cannot do that flippy thing great swimmers do so effortlessly when they are swimming laps. Keep it up! Swimmers I have known have the slickest toned bodies...I love them!
  • 5ft nothing. My goal is 130. I weigh 153 right now and really need to watch diet better. I just started working out regularly March of this year. I love going to classes at the Y and lifting weights but my diet sucks. I was probably healthiest at 112-115 but that was a long time ago. I am 40 and as much as I want to loose…
  • I find this site helps alot. It shows women at the same height/weight ratio
  • Breast are more likely to change from pregnancy alone then as a result of breastfeeding. Genetics plays a much more important role in sagging then either pregnancy or nursing. I would hate to see a woman not breastfeed out of a myth that breastfeeding alone causes them to become saggy. If you are planning on having…
  • Born and raised in Northern Ky by Cincinnati OH but just bought a house in South Central KY. Town is called Smith's Grove and it is near Mammoth Cave.
  • Not healthy but all of their crackers and cookies..such as cheez, fudge striped etc are made at the same factory as Keebler. My husband worked there as a temp in his younger years and said they just changed the wrappers on the outside.
  • I love water Zumba..if you can find one..the water resistance helps burn more calories. Like a previous poster, I feel like I watch the seconds on a treadmill but Zumba flys by!
  • Thanks for the replies. The reason I picked strong lifts is that I want to loose weight and hate cardio. I love lifting weights and have six kids at home so my time in the gym has to be used effectively in a short amount of time. I will keep on with the stonglifts and try to do more stretching classes such as yoga or…
  • I think it depends on what you are eating. Protein breaks down into amino acids which are utilized to build back the small tears that are part of weight training. Carbohydrates are broken down into sugar that our bodies use for energy. If we take in more calories whether from fat, carbs, etc than we are using then our body…
  • I know you need to work the underlying muscles and that crunches usually make it worse. It depends on how big the gap is..1-2 inches, can probably be fixed with exercise and or physical therapy. 4+ inches probably needs surgical repair.. I would recommend seeing an orthopedic dr.
  • I was afraid of the big boys other words the weight room. I still am a bit nervous but I just go in do my thing and leave. Good thing for me I am doing Strong Lifts so any day with heavy lifting is a max of three exercises. I am fortunate to have teenages in the house so I make one of them go with me. It is easier…
  • March 14, 2013 Chest -39 Waist- 41 Hips-42 May 13, 2013 Chest-39 Waist-35 Hips-40 This is so amazing for me because this is doing it the "right" way with calorie deficit, some cardio and lifting weights.
  • If at a healthy weight you only need to add 300 calories a day for pregnancy. This is about an extra cup of milk. Nursing women need more at 500 extra calories a day. Although women do gain weight during pregnancy it is a range of 25-35 for normal weight women. Women who are overweight or who have gestational diabetes may…
  • I follow the mini reward route. 150= 12 lbs lost Peicure only two more lbs until this! 140=22 lb lost Tan Heels 130=32 lb Vacation Now mind you I am going on vacation to Jamaica in June of 2014 regardless but it sure would be nice to go and have reached my first real goal weight. I will probably add new mini goals as a go…
  • Thanks. I am brand new so want to start out right.
  • I met with a trainer at the Y last night to learn proper lifting techniques..really I just was too intimidated to go into the "mens" weight room. She assured me more than once that they are all just big teddy bears who love to see women in the weight room. Several offered help, tips, etc. So excited to begin Stronglifts…
  • Even diabetics can have them. You count carbs and it doesnt matter for blood sugar if the 30 grams in a small baked potatoe or a cup of ice cream. It is the fact that potatoes also offer nutrients and ice cream offers little except for dairy. Only indulging in sugar rich foods will not help a person to meet all of their…
  • I love classes. I go to classes on Mon/Tues/WEds that are weight lifting type of class. Weds is also Water Zumba class so I work out for two hours that night. I want to add in a Zumba class on Friday/Saturday but regular zumba really seems to twist my knees.
  • That is awesome! Hit up the consignment stores for new shorts!
  • a feather made of lead would weigh more than a regular feather..given the same volume..Consider how many marshmellows does it take to make a lb vs how many m&m it takes to make a lb. Both junk foods weigh a lb but you the difference is in how you made the lb. Now apply it to muscle. A five ft tall gymnast with low body fat…
  • I have been researching but have not bought any actual NROL4W materials. I love the theory but how can I lift heavy when right now I am so wimpy? I can bearly do 15 reps of bicep curls with eight lb weights...not exactly what one would consider heavy! How does one lift heavy when they do not have the strength? Should I be…
  • thanks everyone. I was hurting last night after working out but I am fine this morning. I think I am going to try more of the water aerobic classes offered at the Y and one Zumba instructor mentioned putting duck tape on my shoes to help with turns and sticking to the floor. One thing I think I will do is move closer to…
  • Thanks all...I think he is pretty hot too. One of my students (high school special Ed behavior) said Man Mrs. E now I know why you and your husband have eight kids! Sometimes they have have no filter. In all seriousness he did go from 311 in 171 in eight months in 2004. This picture was taken in 2010 weighing in an about…
  • I think male or female also matters. Women naturally carry more weight in the middle but genetics determines the elasticity of skin. My husband had gastric bypass and went from 311 to 176 with very little loose skin.
  • You are doing fabulous.. Add me to the mom of many group. My youngest of eight turned 1 on March 12. I just recently got back on the fitness bandwagon. I am only five ft and and gotten up to 164 when I thought this is just crazy, my body frame was not meant for this. I am currently at 156.8 and agree that it seems…