

  • DON'T. Pain is there for a reason, It's out bodies way of telling us their is damage. Their are low impact ways to exercise that should be far less painful AND even good for your RA. The best is walking in a pool. The water provides resistance as well as boyancy to take pressure off your pack. Low impact exerercise can…
  • The turkey sub on whole wheat bread with cheese, bacon, veggies (YUM sweet peppers!) and vinegar is my favorite. It actually doesnt break the calorie bank and it is really satisfying. As for being small and being able to eat a whole footlong, I'm with you. I'm 5'2", but when I'm hungy I've been know to down a footlong…
  • Yes,there such as thing as drinking too much water. Our body balances the water in our body by making it isotonic to the surrounding tissue (i.e., make it have the same salt (and other electrolytes) composion). Our kidneys are then able to filter the excess water and salt out and send it to our bladder. Drinking excess…
  • Congratualations on taking the first step!! I'm new to the site too, but not to trying to lose weight. I have alway had weight issues and have been fighting them since I was 13 and went on weight watchers. Cravings are my worst pitfall too. I have a suggestion about how to eventually get rid of them, I'm not going to lie…
  • It's so true isn't? Getting started is always so much harder for me than actually doing it.
    in Blah Comment by mariabancs January 2011
  • Talking is a great start. This is my first day and I'm hoping that being accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise will be a motivator for me. In all the fitness stuff that I have read it says that talking to someone for even ten minutes can alter you mood and make it better. I think that your progress has been…
    in Blah Comment by mariabancs January 2011
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