
SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I've been on MFP everyday since I started over a month ago. I've been on a "high" from dieting and exercising and losing weight, but the last few days I haven't felt motivated. I'm wondering if I'm going through the whole "I can't see the light at the end of the tunnel" or what. I'm just feeling completley unmotivated and wondering why I'm feeling so horriable when I've been doing so well. I'm trying to get motivation to even work out today. Wish this feeling would pass and I could get that "high" back. I see people's success pics on their weight loss and although I'm happy for everyone, I feel depressed because maybe I still think that they can do it but I can't. I'm sick of these negative thoughts and just want to feel positive about this journey. Any suggestions besides "quit whinning" :)


  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Quit Whining! Just Kidding but I will say we all have been there and still go through this ...try to look at your success daily by keeping your promises to yourself and dont think so much of the longterm goal as your only success...heck for some of us even logging in being accountable is a success.....!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Part of it may be coming from looking at the end, like you said light at the end of the tunnel. Staring to where you want to be...

    Take a second and look back, you said you've been here a month? You've got 11lbs gone in that time! That's awesome progress and I hope my record looks so good when I've been here for the same time frame. I'm working towards it, I find myself second-guessing the snacks, oh do I really want that snack, you'll have to track it on MFP, no cheating yourself by skipping entering calories you've eaten, so I choose healthier snacks when I'm choosing to snack.

    Look how far you've come, celebrate that!
  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123

    Just try to do anything for 15 minutes. JUST 15 minutes. Walk. Vaccuum. ANYTHING. :smile:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    You are in no way whining. You are asking for help and that is what we are all here for. I have days like you are having today and it is hard to get the motivation to keep going. I just have to continue to "know" that even though my journey is long, I WILL get there in the end. There is no other choice.

    As for working out, I say go and do 5 minutes, and if you cant go any farther, then at least you did 5 minutes. I have a feeling that once you are there, you just may get the best workout of the week in. On days where I just don't want to go, I get up and say I will go for 5 minutes and I end up doing much much more and so happy after its over that I did it.

    No one ever regretted working out, but they do regret not at least giving it a try.

    You can do it and I believe in you!
  • healthyjen342
    healthyjen342 Posts: 1,435 Member
    Have you been doing the same things every day? Maybe you could try something new..A lot of things can definitely get boring if you do them over..and over...and over...

    Or, go back and start at the beginning..think about WHY you decided to lose weight in the first place..was losing the first 11 lbs worth it? HECK YEAH!

    You can do it!! And I know it's worth it!
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    Remember why you started this lifestyle change in the beginning. Then like the post before just do something for 5, 10, 15 minutes....exercise helps with mood.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    Try mixing it up. I hate machines, so I like to throw on some music and dance. Or instead of doing cardio, I'll do weights - light weight, many reps. This actually gets your heart rate up, and you're toning at the same time. I do like the dancing though. And if you've got kiddos at home, you can dance with them. I have two daughters, and they love it when we all start dancing together.
  • Hi Aimee,
    I'm new to myfitnesspal but not to dieting, I've been up and down, weightwise, for 35 years!! My advice would be to look at the kinds of food your were eating when you were having the 'highs'. Certain foods can give you that extra umpf you might need, just a suggestion. Good luck and don't forget you are not alone
    xx Christine
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Thanks everyone :) I think exercise has become boring and may need to join a gym at this point. I have exercise videos that I can't do because my dog likes to jump all over me when I do them (can't put him outside because it's around 18* out). I'll take your advice and even try to do 5 mins of exercise, and I bet you are all right and I'll feel better after that. Maybe these are the feelings that make people give up and quit and I don't want to be that person. I guess talking it out and hearing some positives is what is needed when these feelings over take your mind. Thank you all for your advice and positive reinforcement. :)
  • Talking is a great start. This is my first day and I'm hoping that being accountable for what I eat and how much I exercise will be a motivator for me. In all the fitness stuff that I have read it says that talking to someone for even ten minutes can alter you mood and make it better. I think that your progress has been great so far so, try to think in terms of your success. Just like any other negative behavior (swearing, smoking, addiction, ect) we are going to have bad days where we slip back into our former bad behaviors. So keep talking or maybe listen to some really fun music. I have a mix I made of what my friends call "Go Girl" music, like Cher's "Strong Enough", Carrie Underwoods "Before He Cheats" and "Holding Out for Hero" by Bonnie Tyler. Don't ask me why these make me so happy, I haven't ever been "wronged by a man", but I like songs about how we can live without them anyway:smile:
  • It's so true isn't? Getting started is always so much harder for me than actually doing it.
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