

  • Furthermore, I prioritize whole foods over processed for obvious reasons such as performance and health. The point here is that body composition and the laws of thermodybamics aren't based on what foods are eaten. The body doesn't know good from bad in how it relates to composition. Obviously from a health and performance…
  • Its true. Fat takes up more space under this skin. 1lb of fat weighs exactly the same as 1lb of fat but fat in fact does take up more mass space. I have a female client who gained 10lbs of weight but dropped a dress size because her body fat levels dropped.
  • Lol. The irony of your profile name. I don't follow broscience. You must be one of those guys that still thinks iifym is about pop tarts. My mentors are layne Norton and Alan Aragon. Who are yours? The best diet is one that allows for healthy fat loss and the ability to sustain it with knowledge of incorporating ALL foods…
  • How's your fish oil intake?
  • How much do you weigh? You're too short. I'm 5' 7" and went from 147lb to 163lb and I'm at 2700 maintenace.
  • 2000 cals is if you're maintaining 144lbs assuming 3 x per week workouts. I would recommend you start lifting HEAVY. The biggest lie is that you will get bulky. Absolute false, the diet industry wants you to believe that. Hormonally, it's impossible, just look at NPC bikini competitors, they all lift. Squats, deadlifts,…
  • Weight gain will fluctuate with fluid/sodium intake. I myself go up and down 5-7 per day depending if I eat high carb days vd low carb days. For every gram of carbs, 2.7 grams of water follow. So the scale should be used loosely. Weigh yourself every morning at the same time after using the bathroom. After 7 days, take an…
  • First, that's way to much HITT. You will eat up all your muscle at that intensity. Insanity program will have your body adjust and will not be sustainable. I started as a clean eater, then a paleo dieter, now I skip breakfast (Intermittent fast) and actually I am bulking by adding weight and muscle. The best part is i eat…
  • Girdt , what is your maintenance calories? You always have to start there. If you don't know, you will be spinning your wheels. If you know that 2000 calories is what you eat to stay at your weight, then that is the maintenance. Cutting weight should be done slowly around 15-20% less calories. So 2000 cals would then…
  • You need shakes built on whole milk, nut butters and coconut oil. Was 145 now 165, did it 1 year lifting heavy weights and skipping breakfast. I'm an intermittent faster so I gained it without much fat.
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat. A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat. A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat. A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to…
  • Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat. A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to…