Weight vs. Clothing Size



  • daisiecpa
    daisiecpa Posts: 103 Member
    i am the same way i started at 242 size 24 lost 32 pounds so i am now 210 and the 24 way to big but i can still wear. i have one pair of size 22 and they fit. so only dropped 1 size. i am 5'5". i hope i can drop soon i really need new clothes as the 24 look horrible. but i have not lost enough to justify getting new clothes as i have a ton to lose.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    Wow, shocked I got so many responses so quickly. THANKS A BUNCH!! I didn't think about the fat vs. muscle weight. Since muscle weighs more than fat, it makes real sense. As far as the brand of clothes, I really haven't found much difference wh sticking with the women's sizes. I'm pretty constant at a 22 whether I shop at Lane Bryant, Woman Within, One Stop Plus, JC Penney or Walmart. Although, I try to stay away from Walmart because they are cut different and aren't comfortable. Thanks again.
  • ReyneDrop
    ReyneDrop Posts: 68 Member
    Just restating what lots of people say- body fat % and genetic factors on "where you store it" play a huge role! I'm 5'4" and I hover at 127 lbs (yes I know, very specific) and wear sometimes a size 9 in juniors (I'm 18 :P) and sometimes down to a size 4 in women's depending where I shop. I have a lower body fat % than "average" I guess (estimated at ~21-22% according to tape measure methods), but I store my fat mostly in the waist around my belly button and don't have very pronounced hips (just genetically, I think- if they were going to come in, they would've by now, so until I have a child the bones are going to stay pretty narrow), and I have 32D/DD breasts, so... that plays a bit in it, too.
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    you may just have "heavy" bones. I was reading up on something last night and it calculated my " true weight" i too have heavy bones.. I am 5"2 and 210.8 lbs.. I wear a size 16/18. According to my BMI, my healthy weight should be in the range of 120-130 but this website i found that does coaching ( i did not sign up, I am not paying for something MFP can do for free :-) ) It is called Dukan Diet.. It said my true weight is 158 lbs, according to my bone structure.. The last time I weighed near that.. I was 15 years old and if I can remember correctly, I looked pretty damn good.. SO..Dont fret, if you are losing.. then you are LOSING not GAINING.. Maybe you are losing water weight right now and lbs rather than inches.. are you just doing cardio or just eating better?

    I've heard this is a myth, but have not researched it's validity. There could be some truth to it though. I've always been nicknamed "She-Woman" as I was never very feminine or delicate.
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    I just don't get it. I'm 212 lbs and a size 22. Now, I'm only 5 ft tall, but how can others who are only a couple of inches taller than me weigh more and be in a smaller size? Even when I was around 125 lbs, I was still a size 10-12 depending on the type of clothing? I just don't get it...Can someone please try to explain it? Is it where I carry my fat that makes the difference? It's mosly around my middle.

    I'm in the same boat as you...I'm 5' 3.5" and currently 215, and I'm in a size 22. When I was 120 lbs I was a size 10 or 12, but that was over 25 years ago. I also carry most of my weight in my mid-section. What gets me is that I've lost over 50 lbs, and I'm still pretty much the same size, although the clothes are a little bit looser.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I just don't get it. I'm 212 lbs and a size 22. Now, I'm only 5 ft tall, but how can others who are only a couple of inches taller than me weigh more and be in a smaller size? Even when I was around 125 lbs, I was still a size 10-12 depending on the type of clothing? I just don't get it...Can someone please try to explain it? Is it where I carry my fat that makes the difference? It's mosly around my middle.

    I'm in the same boat as you...I'm 5' 3.5" and currently 215, and I'm in a size 22. When I was 120 lbs I was a size 10 or 12, but that was over 25 years ago. I also carry most of my weight in my mid-section. What gets me is that I've lost over 50 lbs, and I'm still pretty much the same size, although the clothes are a little bit looser.

    Another thing to remember is that the way sizing works now is very different than 10-20 years ago. A size 6 when I was in high school is closer to a size 2 or 4 now, and that was just 12 years ago. Vanity sizing changes over the years, which is highly irritating.
  • ctgirlscout
    ctgirlscout Posts: 90 Member
    I just don't get it. I'm 212 lbs and a size 22. Now, I'm only 5 ft tall, but how can others who are only a couple of inches taller than me weigh more and be in a smaller size? Even when I was around 125 lbs, I was still a size 10-12 depending on the type of clothing? I just don't get it...Can someone please try to explain it? Is it where I carry my fat that makes the difference? It's mosly around my middle.

    I'm in the same boat as you...I'm 5' 3.5" and currently 215, and I'm in a size 22. When I was 120 lbs I was a size 10 or 12, but that was over 25 years ago. I also carry most of my weight in my mid-section. What gets me is that I've lost over 50 lbs, and I'm still pretty much the same size, although the clothes are a little bit looser.

    Another thing to remember is that the way sizing works now is very different than 10-20 years ago. A size 6 when I was in high school is closer to a size 2 or 4 now, and that was just 12 years ago. Vanity sizing changes over the years, which is highly irritating.

    Thanks for confirming that. I suspected as much, because on another thread a lot of people were saying they were a 10 or 12, but weigh a whole lot more than I did back then. So maybe there's hope...if I can get down to the weight I was before, I, too, can be a size 4 or 6! LOL.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I just don't get it. I'm 212 lbs and a size 22. Now, I'm only 5 ft tall, but how can others who are only a couple of inches taller than me weigh more and be in a smaller size? Even when I was around 125 lbs, I was still a size 10-12 depending on the type of clothing? I just don't get it...Can someone please try to explain it? Is it where I carry my fat that makes the difference? It's mosly around my middle.

    I'm in the same boat as you...I'm 5' 3.5" and currently 215, and I'm in a size 22. When I was 120 lbs I was a size 10 or 12, but that was over 25 years ago. I also carry most of my weight in my mid-section. What gets me is that I've lost over 50 lbs, and I'm still pretty much the same size, although the clothes are a little bit looser.

    Another thing to remember is that the way sizing works now is very different than 10-20 years ago. A size 6 when I was in high school is closer to a size 2 or 4 now, and that was just 12 years ago. Vanity sizing changes over the years, which is highly irritating.

    i just reminded myself of that. i have a pair of size 12 jeans from about 6 years ago. my goal was to be in those by oct 1. for sh*ts and giggles i tried on a pair of non stretchy 12's (my avatar :happy: ) and those fit great. my guess is that these old size 12's are probably closer to a size 11 or even a 10
  • lisamarie2181
    lisamarie2181 Posts: 560 Member
    It is where u carry ur weight. Also ppl who are taller can weight more and been in smaller sizes as they have more places to put the weight. ALSO those who weigh more could do so because they have more muscle. Body comp plays a big roll. Don't compare urself to ppl. It will only lead to heartache. Trust me, I know.

    I agree,its all how you carry it. Im 5'5 and currently 228 and im in a loose 16 and wear some 14's but when i hit my heaviest at 305 i was in a size 22 on bottom. I think if u carry more on the bottom your size might not go down as quickly because if thats the spot you carry most of your weight it might take awhile. I wouldnt worry about it, everyone is shaped so different, i wouldnt worry about the size. I feel you though, i see girls on here about my weight and their body looks alot better then mine lol like i said we are all different, as long as you feel fabulous in what your wearing, the size doesnt matter :)
  • Domi_BTGfit
    It is never going to be a good thing to compare yourself to anyone else - every body is different.

    Side note: I'm a 29yo Australian.

    That being said, I am 172cm tall and last year I weighed 212.74lbs (96.7kgs) and I was wearing size AU18-20 (US 14-18). After 14 months of changing my diet and going to the gym for medium workouts (not light, not too heavy) I now weigh 148.5lbs (67.5kgs) and I'm wearing size AU10 (US6). Everyone has a chance to change their appearance and you CAN do it with the support of others and educating yourself about nutrition and how it works for YOUR body.

    I'm not a Personal Trainer and I am not a Nutritionist - just a regular girl who wanted to lose the weight. I still have a few kgs to go, but having been where I was compared to where I am, I am not sorry that I made the effort.

    Now that I am close to goal, I realise that it isn't about the number you weigh or the size you wear, it's about how you feel when you look in the mirror. Be happy and remind yourself WHY you are doing this - for YOU!

  • skinnybitchbarbie27
    Ok see I am 240 and a loose size 18. I am agreeing with almost everyone above me. Let me tell you a story or two :)

    I work at a women's gym facility. I was telling people how I can almost fit into a 16 and one of my members spoke up and said "how much do you weigh again?" I said 243 (at the time) and she said she couldn't understand why she was 201 and was still wearing a 20-22. I explained to her that not only is she a lot shorter than I am (shes 5'1 and I am 5'6) but I strength train like a m-fer. So I know I have a more muscular core than she does.

    Second story; Just happened yesterday; I was announcing (ok bragging just a little bit) that I had lost 90 pounds. One of my members comes up to my desk and says "can I ask you how much you weigh again?" Me, not having a problem with my weight anymore proudly said 240. Her eyes went wide and she exlaimed THERES NO WAY! She is about 5'6 and a half and she holds her weight to where she wears a size 20 and shes only 220 pounds.

    Everyone holds their weight differently.

    Check out this website. After discovering it in another post I have a better realization of what women "my size" look like.


    It is where you can pull up photos of women the same height and weight as you so you can see how the weight looks different on everyone.

  • holdenalarva
    Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat.

    A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to lose fat quickly, learnt I lift weights and don't believe be lies that you will be bulky in doing so. It's one if the biggest myths in the industry today. Women have 10-30 times less testosterone ham men so it physically impossible to look like a man. Dig deep and research and absorb the truths that have been proven.
  • holdenalarva
    Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat.

    A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to lose fat quickly, learn to lift weights and don't believe the lies that you will be bulky in doing so. It's one if the biggest myths in the industry today. Women have 10-30 times less testosterone than men so it physically impossible to look like a man. Dig deep and research and absorb the truths that have been proven. Cardio alone is not optimal for fat loss. It's great when your on the treadmill but the minute you step off, that's where fat loss ends. Lifting heavy weights will not only burn up to twice as many calories but the fat burn continues hours and even for a day or two after. Research metabolic damage with regards to cardio and you will soon have a better understanding at how the body works.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    i was 210 & size 22. It will depend on where your weight is.... mine...all round the head, chest & middle.
  • holdenalarva
    Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat.

    A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to lose fat quickly, learn to lift weights and don't believe the lies that you will be bulky in doing so. It's one if the biggest myths in the industry today. Women have 10-30 times less testosterone than men so it physically impossible to look like a man. Dig deep and research and absorb the truths that have been proven. Cardio alone is not optimal for fat loss. It's great when your on the treadmill but the minute you step off, that's where fat loss ends. Lifting heavy weights will not only burn up to twice as many calories but the fat burn continues hours and even for a day or two after. Research metabolic damage with regards to cardio and you will soon have a better understanding at how the body works.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle.

  • holdenalarva
    I just don't get it. I'm 212 lbs and a size 22. Now, I'm only 5 ft tall, but how can others who are only a couple of inches taller than me weigh more and be in a smaller size? Even when I was around 125 lbs, I was still a size 10-12 depending on the type of clothing? I just don't get it...Can someone please try to explain it? Is it where I carry my fat that makes the difference? It's mosly around my middle.

    Muscle weighs more than fat, while fat takes up more space than muscle. Two women, same height and same weight will differ in clothing size due to difference in bodyfat.

    A scale is not a good measure of true weight loss as you could gain more muscle and be heavier, yet shrink down dress sizes. If you want to know how to lose fat quickly, learn to lift weights and don't believe the lies that you will be bulky in doing so. It's one if the biggest myths in the industry today. Women have 10-30 times less testosterone than men so it physically impossible to look like a man. Dig deep and research and absorb the truths that have been proven. Cardio alone is not optimal for fat loss. It's great when your on the treadmill but the minute you step off, that's where fat loss ends. Lifting heavy weights will not only burn up to twice as many calories but the fat burn continues hours and even for a day or two after. Research metabolic damage with regards to cardio and you will soon have a better understanding at how the body works.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    its the height thing! when i was almost 250, i was wearing a 20... the taller you are, the more distributed the weight is.
  • AmmeJayne2
    AmmeJayne2 Posts: 26
    i am 5'4 weigh in at just over 11 stone which my bmi says im over weight atm. i would be happy to weigh 11 stone if i could fit in to a dress size 12. atm i am 14 so only little things need to change. tbh i dont think weight should really matter. its how you feel when you are wearing clothes. you not going to go out and think if only i could weigh my self. you will be thinking i hope i look good in what i have on. its all in the mind i think, my other half says to me i look fine but when i look in the mirror its a diff story. if you feel comfy in what ever size you are dont change to FIT IN. if you want to change for health reasons or you want to change for you then do it other wise you will be losing a fighting battle

    Good luck xx
  • Wgbn32
    Wgbn32 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm currently around 243 and a size 18. A few months ago at my heaviest I was about 270 and a size 20 (snug)....so almost 30 pounds gone and only dropped one size. I too carry a lot of weight in my mid section. I want to get to around a 10-12. Guess imma have to lose 100 pounds or so. I do feel a lot better so I'm happy about that. Just focus on being consistent with diet and exercise and thr numbers will eventually follow.