daubbermom Member


  • Because some of us have a high sensitivity to simple carbs. it reacts in my body like Alcohol to an alcoholic. Ever since I got off simple carbs and kept my daily carbs under 50 I no longer have out of control cravings. I have lost 105 lbs and feel sooooo much better. off all my heart, BP, and diabetes meds. My cholesterol…
  • Try reading the book "Protein Power", by the Eades. Very good book to explain carbs. Also any Adkins book.
  • carbs are sugar. They just break down in the body differently. It all is the same to your system. Sugars are counted in with the carbs on labels(because they are all sugars).
  • I don't diet but I have made changes to my food plan. I have found out I am insulin intolerant and therefore cannot eat simple carbs, potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, sugar. It sends my blood sugars out the window. I also have diabetes. Since carb control, I have gone off most of my meds for diabetes and lost 92 lbs.:wink:
  • I am insulin resistant and can't eat simple carbs, but I don't expect anyone else to follow my plan. I love, love, love cheese and that is my weakness. I eat at least 3g of cheese a day but a lot of people harp on this. I just ignore them. Oh well I must be doing something right I've lost 92 lbs in 5.5 months.
  • I am insulin resistant and allergic to carbs, I get fat when I eat them.:laugh: JK, good luck with the food plan. I wish I could eat simple carbs, I love potatoes, rice, bread and pasta. No more for me.
  • I don't count my fats. I find if I keep my protein and carbs in check then the fats will be fine. I am insulin resistant and have to watch my carbs closely. No more than 80g a day. Mostly in the 30's.
  • Premier Protein drinks Extra sharp cheddar eggs dannon light&fit greek yogurt vanilla Mio concentrate, cherry spinach shrimp cottage cheese butter salt