

  • That's all really useful advice, I am going to try to stay focused on inches lost as opposed to lbs. Fingers crossed my dress fitting goes well in a few weeks time, although i still have 12 weeks until the wedding so a good amount of time to make a substantial difference.
  • Coffeekat, I can't really offer you any advice because I am in exactly the same situation as you. Despite doing lots of exercise and eating healthily I am really struggling to lose weight. I have been measuring myself and I am losing inches but I can not let go of the scales to the extent that I was in tears on Saturday…
  • I think you need to change the way that you think about food. Try to eat small amounts regularly and have 5-6 small meals per day. You should always eat protein with every meal as it is actually that staves of hunger although it wont make you feel stuffed in the same way that carbs do. If you want to eat fruit, have it…
  • I find almond milk quite sweet but I don't like sweet things so am quite sensitive to it. Depending on what you are having it in, you can also try oat or rice milk.
  • I think it is important for you not to allow yourself to become hungry as you are more likely to be tempted by these sweet treats. Make sure you eat small amounts regularly and have snacks for when you are in work (carrot sticks & hoummus etc) to try to ease off with the cravings. I would also allow yourself a treat every…
  • Hi, was recommended by YAYW, I weighed 144 when I bought my dress but went up to 154 over Christmas and New Year. Ideally I want to get down to 130 before my wedding in May. I have lost 8lb since New Year and 2lb since joining MFP. As well as eating healthily, I am trying to do a couple of step classes a week, a Zumba…
  • It is difficult to generalise as different things can make IBS flare up for different people, wheat can be quite inflammatory for some people as can grapefruit. You could try the following: -eggs on toast (substitute normal bread for rye bread or oatcakes if you find that bread bloats you or brings on your IBS) -vegetable…
  • Try the Ministry of Sound Running Traxx, there are a couple of them and are great for working out to. This can be downloaded from itunes.