You should also have them do a echocardiogram, that may show something
Blueberries, banana, oatmeal & chicken. Oh and Greek yogurt.
Sebring, FL
Blaze and I love it
I'll second the VS sport bras.
I'm sorry but reading each of your post, at least to me just sounds like your making excuses. We all have busy lives it just depends how you want to make time for it.
I just got the flex about 3 weeks ago and I love it. It's helped me stay on track and I do find it to be accurate. I log weight training separately with my Polar HRM and let my flex log the treadmill. I think its a great investment as I've wasted more money on other things.
I have a cheat day every Saturday, I usually log it and I've continued to lose weight. Best thing is don't deprive yourself of something or you may just over eat to compensate for that craving.
Belly & neck.
Oatmeal, coffee w/cream
Well said, I used it over 30 years ago, it did include orange juice, peanut butter, formula, milk, cheese, eggs and cereal. Its not SNAP or anything like it. Very strict on what you can purchase and a very good program. By the way, son's wife uses it and he's been in the military for 10 years so you can make a fair amount…
Used code and it worked. Here is mine for someone to use JYRRPZ71P