

  • Hey, I am the same way!! I am 5'7" and even when I weighed 200lbs. NO ONE guessed that - they all said 170 max. I have always carried my weight very well and looked lighter than I am. I naturally am dense, have bigger bones, and more muscle. When I was 150-160 even people were telling me I was looking pretty shapely and…
  • Hi, my name is Chelsea. I'd love to be your weight loss buddy! I need one too! I am starting my second big journey of transformation and weight loss, and it's not easy. I would be glad to be your cheerleader and provide any advice from my experiences, if you'll do the same for me. :)
  • Thanks everyone, this has been really helpful - I think I'm going to go ahead and try it after I get back from my vacation and see what happens. But the people who have been saying that it will not cure the underlying reason for overeating, you are right! This is a short term fix (maybe, it might not even work) but I…
  • I'd really like to go myself. I am a recovering anorexic who is now for some reason flipping in completely the opposite direction... I binge nearly every day, and have gained at least 10 pounds in 3 weeks. Some of it was needed, but now I can't stop. I need help so that I do not regain all the weight I lost, and my body…
  • I am the same height as you and have lost 70 lbs., so I did have the same goal at one point and achieved it - if you ever need support I'm totally here, and I will say it is hard but so worth it and in the end you will be glad you did it! The difficult part after that is maintaining it, but again it's doable! I'll be here…
  • I am exactly the same height as you and weigh about 129-132. I got down to 124 from not eating much at all and working out too much... even though technically, that is not underweight and I've got a lot of muscle, I was actually diagnosed with a restrictive eating disorder and told to gain a bit of weight. For our height…
  • I drink like 20 cups a day, for real - you just get used to it. I carry around a 24 oz. bottle EVERYWHERE and refill it. Whenever I remember, I just take a few gulps. Eventually, you will crave the water and not be able to go without it! It also helps with controlling appetite, btw.
  • Congratulations!!! I've lost 70 lbs. as well, it feels so good. Your abs look amazing by the way, how did you do that??
  • I did the super low-calorie, low-carb, low everything diet for a very long time - I lost weight, but I had no energy to exercise much, my hair was falling out, and my skin was terrible. Plus, I was cold all the time and always thinking about food. Point is, it's unsustainable! If you want lasting weight loss, you must…
  • It's true that fruits do have high levels of sugar, especially bananas, but there is nothing wrong with eating a reasonable amount of fruit. I have lost 70 lbs. and - not even exaggerating - eat up to 7 fruits a day. Sure, vegetables may be better, and I would recommend for veggies than fruits, but fruits are an excellent…
  • Good for you!!! That's so impressive - just keep doing what you're doing, and don't give up. I've lost around 70 as well, and it's not easy, but it's so worth it to feel healthier, look great, and have tons more energy.
  • Hey, add me! I'm looking for motivation and a buddy too! I've been really successful thus far, but it always helps having some support - and I'm more than willing to share tips and be there for encouragement!!
  • I am 5'7". Highest weight, 3 years ago: 203 lbs. Current weight: about 132 lbs. (though I'm 138 this week because of bloating from medicine) Lowest weight: 124 lbs. Goal weight: 128-130 lbs. I am super athletic and have a lot of muscle, and when I go under 125 (which happened when I was not eating much at all) I start to…
  • The same thing has happened to me the past few days. I have to be on Prednisone (a steroid) for the next couple days per my doctor, and it makes me want to eat everything in sight, plus retain more sodium. I have swelled up like a balloon! I was the same as you, about 130, maybe a little less last week, and I am super…
  • I love the Insanity videos... I've been trying to do them almost every day to change my workout routine up from just running and lifting. I don't get sore from a 7 mile run, but I'm EXTREMELY sore from an hour and a half of Insanity! It's crazy. Anyone have tips on recovering faster?