Motivation weight loss buddies!! :D I need you!

Hi everyone my name is Jenny! This is my second MFP account, I lost the password to my old one. I've lost weight before, but then I gained it all back and then some :( I haven't gotten around to making my profile yet, but I will soon! Tomorrow is day one for me, I just thought I would make my account today so that way I'll be all set to go tomorrow. Right now I'm at my highest weight ever, 56kg but I'm pretty short so it looks like a LOT on goal is to be at least 52kg! :) I have BED, a really bad sweet tooth and addiction to cheese. I'd really like some buddies to keep me going in all this, I love to look through people's diaries and get ideas, see what everyone's up to. It makes me feel less alone and gives me more motivation to keep going haha ^.^ I hope you all will consider adding me, I promise to try and be as supportive as possible!

Bye and good luck!! :D<3


  • 62clpowell
    62clpowell Posts: 87 Member
    Feel free to add me if you'd like I could use more support buddies also :)
  • Added you! :) Thanks
  • LadyZephyr
    LadyZephyr Posts: 286 Member
    Feel free to add me, I can always use more motivation buddies :D
  • SweetpeaHu
    SweetpeaHu Posts: 45 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm new to MFP!
  • Adding both of you!:)
  • slugkiller
    slugkiller Posts: 90 Member
    I could do with more buddies, I've only recently discovered the benefits - you can add me too!
    Oh and I love cheese too mmmmmmmmm
  • Susieout
    Susieout Posts: 102 Member
    New too. Happy for you to add me!
  • alexapatel
    alexapatel Posts: 87 Member
    Add me too. Def in need of more motivation!
  • bethlaf
    bethlaf Posts: 954 Member
    same here, i have been using fitness pal for over a year, and im stuck in neutral , it sucks ,

    i really need some friendly motivation to the thinner side of me,

    i havent seen that part of me in 4 years,
    i need to get back together with her, we had a great relationship, while we weren't BFF , Skinnier me and me ,

    We liked each other we got along, liked the same things sung the same songs, danced the same dances, if anyone wants to come along and help me find me again , i would be so happy!!!

    Weaknesses for carbs and chips cheese and all the yummy snacks my kids love is holding me back
  • dawnkryger1
    dawnkryger1 Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 2 days new to MFP and need some support and ideas. Plz feel free to add me anyone who has some good tips.
  • Hey, add me! I'm looking for motivation and a buddy too! I've been really successful thus far, but it always helps having some support - and I'm more than willing to share tips and be there for encouragement!!
  • colleenrobertson
    colleenrobertson Posts: 4 Member
    One thing I started adding to my diet several weeks ago is using the NUTRI Blast (machine)... You put spinach, flax seed, and fruits, water, and you can add some protein powder. GO see a NUTRI Blast commercial.. It really does work and takes away alot of the sweet tooth and fills you up in between when you want to snack. I have more energy and don't feel guilty. AND, it helps your health. I always remember...this is not just about looking good...IT IS ABOUT OUR HEALTH.... fighting cancer, high blood pressure, whatever....we need our heath.. HEALTH IS WEALTH... Sending blessing to everyone.
  • colleenrobertson
    colleenrobertson Posts: 4 Member
    .One last thing can purchase the NUTRI Blast at Bed, Bath and is one of the few places...
  • Feel free to add me as well. I'm always looking for more people to connect with.
  • add me! :)
  • Sarahkov12
    Sarahkov12 Posts: 48 Member
    I have lost and regained the same 50 pounds every year for the last 3 years! I also am looking for lots of support and encouragement! I have done well for the last few weeks but felt that I needed some encouragement today so I came to the community for some motivation and inspiration. Let's get back on track together! I'm sending u a friend request and any one can feel free to add me :-)
  • cpudoc64
    cpudoc64 Posts: 135
    Keep in mind, this is always a work in progress. It's diet and exercise together that gets you to your goals. You can't have one without the other. If you are going to start any of these programs, make sure you talk to your doctor first. If you decide to take supplements, tell honest! Get your rest, too. Push, pull and lift heavy things. Get your cardio. Tracking with MFP works, even if your family leers at you when you scan barcodes. It's your life and your health, only you can take care of it.
  • I've just added a lot of you! I am so happy to find people in a similar position as I! One of the biggest triggers of binges for me is feeling alone, so the more friends the merrier!! xD Haha :)
  • Pattie74
    Pattie74 Posts: 85 Member
    Feel free to add me! I can always buddies!!!
  • Hey, I'm from Scotland too, add me if you like :)