Are fruits killing my diet?



  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    The sugar in fruits can be an issue if you have diabetes, or are prone to high blood sugar. Otherwise, pay attention to your total calories, and enjoy your nutritious, tasty fruits.

    Spot on.

    If you're still concerned, you can Google "low-glycemic fruits" for a list of fruits that are lowest in sugar.
  • I would check the other things your eating because a lot of packaged foods have loads of sugar in them, but I would not cut fruit out of your diet.
  • MichaelBrewer2634
    MichaelBrewer2634 Posts: 91 Member
    Fruits are great. Quick sugars found in drinks, and candy have no natural fiber content. They have a massive effect on the pancreas, and liver. Most fruits have natural fiber that helps balance out those reactions. Fruits are great sources of micro nutrients. Just don't over do it. I love Apples. Full of fiber. I even eat the seeds and core. :)
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    I don't know anyone that got fat from eating too much fruit.
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    Added refined sugars are the only thing I keep an eye on. I go over 40 g sugar every day because I eat a lot of vegetables, so I'm better off disregarding it and not tracking sugar.
  • xohjs
    xohjs Posts: 2
    Ive been wondering the same thing, but on the Weight Watchers Flex Plan, all fruits and vegetables are 0 points. I still add it into my calorie count for the day just so i know how much I am eating, but as long as I am in my calorie count, i try not to count the sugar from the fruit unless I would be over by a ridiculous amount.
  • MsPudding
    MsPudding Posts: 562 Member
    Looking back through your diary I don't think it's the whole fruit that's the culprit - I think it's that you often have WW cakes, low-fat yogurts (which are high in sugar to make up for lack of fat) and dried fruit which often has sugar added to it if the original fruit is tart (i.e. cranberries) but even if it doesn't have added sugar the sugar in dried fruit is more concentrated and you'll eat more dried fruit in a single snack than you would if it were whole and fresh.

    So if you wanted to cut back on sugar I'd drop the Craisins and raisins and the WW cake stuff; have full-fat yogurts rather than low-fat ones and simple eat more whole fruit if you really like it.
  • It's true that fruits do have high levels of sugar, especially bananas, but there is nothing wrong with eating a reasonable amount of fruit. I have lost 70 lbs. and - not even exaggerating - eat up to 7 fruits a day. Sure, vegetables may be better, and I would recommend for veggies than fruits, but fruits are an excellent source of nutrients and you can still lose weight eating plenty of them.

    - eat fruits alone, not with a meal. Try to eat fruits 30 min before a meal or alone during a snack time, not with carbs and proteins.
    - apples are great - they are low-carb and one of the best fruits for you
    - higher carb fruits are great to eat alone for breakfast - bananas, plums, pears, grapes
    - grapefruit is an excellent detox fruit, very low calorie, and may aid your metabolism.
    - Watery fruits such as melons help digestion and have some carbs for energy

    Hope this helped!
  • msleanlegs
    msleanlegs Posts: 188 Member

    - eat fruits alone, not with a meal. Try to eat fruits 30 min before a meal or alone during a snack time, not with carbs and proteins.

    First, congrats on your weight loss!

    About the quoted part above, why should fruits be eaten alone? My favorite treats are frozen mashed bananas with almond butter and protein brownies with bananas mixed in. The thought of giving them up is something I don't even want to think about. :tongue:
  • Well it depends on what fruits you are taking in because there are some fruits that are very high in sugar that can make you gain weight like crazy but some of them are also good for you because they are easy to digest, and they are healthy for you.

    When it comes to the paleo diet(which I am currently on), you are allowed to eat fruits because they are important to your daily diet. Also they have anti-oxidants which are helping you to stay younger and recover from all bad toxins.
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    :noway: I am sorry but I doubt if anyone ever got fat from eating fruit!!!
  • OddChoices
    OddChoices Posts: 244 Member
    My numbers seem to say so.
    I don't usually eat sweets (cookies, cakes, etc), but I love my fruit. I eat a banana at least once a day, an apple every other day and blueberries and strawberries everyday. I really hate the idea of removing my fruits in order to manage my sugar intake, but I'm not sure what else to cut?

    Someone told me last week that fruits are not necessarily good for you because of the sweets. What?

    I'm not really trying to lose, just maintain with my goal weight being my highest weight of the weak.

    Am I going to have to eliminate some of my favorite fruits as I get older?

    The only thing I would take away is the banana.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Looking back through your diary I don't think it's the whole fruit that's the culprit - I think it's that you often have WW cakes, low-fat yogurts (which are high in sugar to make up for lack of fat) and dried fruit which often has sugar added to it if the original fruit is tart (i.e. cranberries) but even if it doesn't have added sugar the sugar in dried fruit is more concentrated and you'll eat more dried fruit in a single snack than you would if it were whole and fresh.

    So if you wanted to cut back on sugar I'd drop the Craisins and raisins and the WW cake stuff; have full-fat yogurts rather than low-fat ones and simple eat more whole fruit if you really like it.

    This...Fruit is not your problem, all the refined carbs in the form of cakes and sweets are....Up your protein, eat more protein for snacks instead of the refined carbs, and you'll be fine...
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    Just watch your sugar, berries are lower in sugar so that's good, bananas are high in carbs, but just 1 a day is fine, and apples are high in sugar but again just 1 every other day isn't bad at all.
    I'd say the banana and apples are fine, just be careful with the portion of the berries because it is really easy to just eat tons and tons and then that will be a lot of calories and sugar, it is possible to eat too much healthy food and gain weight.
  • kistockman
    kistockman Posts: 80 Member
    Looking back through your diary I don't think it's the whole fruit that's the culprit - I think it's that you often have WW cakes, low-fat yogurts (which are high in sugar to make up for lack of fat) and dried fruit which often has sugar added to it if the original fruit is tart (i.e. cranberries) but even if it doesn't have added sugar the sugar in dried fruit is more concentrated and you'll eat more dried fruit in a single snack than you would if it were whole and fresh.

    So if you wanted to cut back on sugar I'd drop the Craisins and raisins and the WW cake stuff; have full-fat yogurts rather than low-fat ones and simple eat more whole fruit if you really like it.

    Thanks so much for taking a look at my diary. I really needed all of these other sets of eyes.

    No....I'm not a troll. Because I've been using Weight Watchers as a guide and counting points, I had no idea really about the amount of sugar in fruit. Yours....and everyone's advice and perspective is so helpful. I'll stop tracking sugars and focus more on carbs. I'll also cut the Craisins and WW cakes. (This last part is the hard news I had to hear)

    And thank you all for not telling me to cut my bananas. No, I'm not a troll, but I just may be a monkey. :)

    Thanks again. xoxo
  • elizabethfowler33
    elizabethfowler33 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree that it's not the natural sugars in fruit that's stalling you but the white refined sugar in some of your snacks. I wholeheartedly agree with ditching all those prepackaged foods and enjoying your fruit with some good fats, nuts and greek yogurt are great additions. I have also noticed time and time again that even a small amount of any non dairy creamer in my coffee brings my weight loss to a screeching halt. I have begun using 2% foamed milk, a 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract and splenda to taste in my coffee and I still maintain loss with that (and it feels like a delicious treat!).
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    Not all fruits are high in sugar and calories. Grapes are pretty high in sugar. Strawberries aren't. Just log em to get an idea of the sugar/calories in em
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I looked over again, and're not eating that much fruit...why would you think of all things it's the fruit that's kiling your diet?

    You eat a lot of "diet foods" WW foods, reduced fat, no sugar, all this stuff seems like it would be better, but it's not, it's better to have the whole version of things and just a smaller portion because then you get the full range of nutrients, healthy fats, etc. They have to add something to take something out, and it's not good stuff they add.

    Also you eat a lot of ready made foods like asian spring rolls and noodles and stuff like that, and also like "fast" foods like skyline chili and panera, that stuff isn't good. You should be making these foods not getting the easy unhealthy version, It's not all about calories, you will lose weight to a point just based on calories, but it will stop eventually, and you won't be healthy. of course once in a while eating fast food or ready made foods is fine, just not as much as it seems you do. And if you're the kind of person that needs a sweet every day (like me) make something like cupcakes or something where you can control what goes in, the portion, etc. and eat one a day, or have a little bit of dark chocolate, or something like this. Just because you can have 3 WW cakes for the same calories as 1 regular cake doesn't mean it'll be better for you.

    I noticed almost every day you're over on something which means you're also under on something, it's all about balance, except since you haven't changed your goals on here, I would sugest way more protein, the protein limits on here should be you minimum, you should go over that every day.

    if you want the dried fruits like rasins and crasins buy the natural versions with no sugar added.
  • 08dmd
    08dmd Posts: 11 Member
    The protein totally works with the fruit to keep that craving down!!
  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    The sugar in fruit is not usually worth worrying about. (Unless you have a specific medical condition, like diabetes.) Many of us do not track sugar because the sugar in healthy foods, like fruit, can be misleading. Look at the sugar in other foods (not fruit or vegetables) or sugar added to processed fruit (like in syrups). I quit tracking sugar, and I don't worry if I'm under on carbohydrates. I track fiber. But fruit and fruit smoothies are a key part of what helped me get started, and they were critical to my success so far.