missmince Member


  • My husband hasn't gained any weight, but it makes him kind of tired. He skips some days, but it helps him tolerate annoyance at work, to put it mildly. Maybe you can get away with mini "drug vacations"? Ask your doctor. It's been better than a number of other meds, so you have to decide whether it's worth it to you. Most…
  • Yeah, I have body image issues and wouldn't want to work out at a gym, however little attention was paid to me. I think a lot of people carry over their memories of what jerks people were in school phys ed (at least at my schools), and feel self conscious among the regular gym goers. Plus, since practically everyone on MFP…
  • I worry more about mental than physical decline as I age, though both are certainly important. I was inspired to exercise more by reading that there was at least a correlation between exercise and holding on to one's mental faculties, though I believe more research is needed there. However, a reduction in the risk of…
  • I became a vegetarian 30 years ago and haven't been overweight since. However, I was just learning to cook after moving out from home, so I was starting fresh. And there wasn't so much food on menus and packaged unhealthy stuff for vegetarians back then, so I had to pick out and learn recipes to make myself. I'm in the…
  • I get so aggravated that "old" and "middle aged" are treated as bad words. It's just age, not helplessness. Saying that someone seems so young shouldn't be a compliment. I don't want to fight age, just do the best I can, with the added advantage of experience and more patience. The members of my family haven't let getting…
  • I have also read that the temperature won't increase your calorie burn, but if you're walking in wintery weather conditions, you may well be burning more. Walking or running on crunchy yet deep snow, or ice and sludge, or, my favorite, a layer of snow over wet ice, must affect calorie burn. I find that I end up with sore…
  • My understanding is that people with some medical conditions shouldn't overdo protein, but it hasn't been shown to harm others. I also read that most people eat a lot more than they need, and it sounds like that's what you're trying to do. Your post says you work out six days a week and I'm guessing the numbers you aim for…
  • I use Vega Protein and Greens or Vegansmart Nutritional Shake Powders for banana/soy milk/protein powder/cocao shakes. Even in winter, I like them with frozen banana, and only sometimes add sweetener, depending on the ripeness of banana and sweetness of the protein powder. Since I love chocolaty stuff, I add 2 tablespoons…
  • I see that your doctor won't refer you to a dietician, but a specialist might. A dietician may know how to get insurance to pay, or get a doctor's referral, so it would be worthwhile to call one directly and ask.
  • I don't really have anything helpful to say, but I definitely know that feeling. I wish I didn't have to deal with food, too. I've had abdominal pain and nausea, on and off, for most of my life. And I have to eat some food with a medication I need, whether I want it or not. I've been taking anti-nausea pills I've been…
  • If you can handle gluten, making seitan dishes is a good way to get protein. I got some from fatfreevegan.com, fortunately not truly fat free. I've used a couple of her seitan "roasts" very successfully as Thanksgiving protein-centerpieces, and the vegan ribz (barbecued or baked) are more simple, everyday protein rich…
  • Above poster is right, but my favorites for legs are plie squats (inner thigh), deadlifts (hamstrings and back), static lunges (helps equalize leg strength, glutes and quads), and rear lunges (just enjoyable.). Of course, squats are great, even at lower weights, and there is an amazing variety of them to focus on whatever…
  • Are you in the hospital at this point? I'm surprised you're not getting IV nutrients, not only a tube, but of course I don't know your medical issue. It sounds miserable. I don't even know what's wrong with me, but I'm still losing and am afraid I won't get a diagnosis. I'm hoping to get an abdominal scan soon, and have an…
  • I don't know that it really means "bad science". It seems more a matter of "My favorite nutrition/diet/exercise study says something different than your favorite study." MFP is a place where people have very strong opinions about what is science and what is internet fluff, and the woo button button is a shortcut to…
  • I read the whole study, including the background section, and am really unimpressed due to a number of things I noticed. One thing is that they said, for their statistical analysis that they wanted 88 people per group, but they actually ended up recruiting 67 total. This may be partly because they excluded bipolar I and II…
  • My scale gives different numbers depending where on my rather warped wooden floor I put it. I kick mine under a bookshelf when I'm done, so I try a couple places to get consistency. I also weighed myself holding different weight dumbells, 5 to 25 pounds to be sure it measures change accurately, which it does. The people at…
  • Since she's paying for groceries, I'm assuming you're not financially independent and moving out isn't happening immediately. Since she's complaining about cost, you could straight out ask her how much money she thinks is acceptable, and budget accordingly. However, since you said you were losing weight in 2019, and this…
  • If you are truly sedentary, some cardio work might be advisable just to be healthy. If you could incorporate more brisk walking into your life, you might lean towards strength. Also, if you enjoy one much more than the other, and are just returning to exercise, do whatever motivates you to continue. And I've read that 75…
  • I think you look great, too. I suppose some people could be thinking "size 0, that's too skinny", and assuming the camera had added 10 pounds to what you actually look like. And if they're my age (47) or older, they might be thinking of the old size 0, much smaller than now. I wore size 2 or 4 about 30 years ago, when I…
  • No arguments there. As people have pointed out, there is a lot of stuff out there that's bad for you. If I just ate organic (which I don't), I'd still ingest some stuff in unknown quantities that I'd be better off without. And, sadly, scientific studies and government policies aren't unbiased or even logical. It's…
  • And everyone knows you can kill yourself with salt, iron, or water in excess, but you need some for health. Other things are simply bad for you, and it's always argued about how much is too much by scientists/government agencies/corporations. I was taught to limit exposure to carcinogens in the lab, and do so out of it to…
  • I mean stuff that has been proven to be toxic. I have a degree in chemistry and worked as a wet chemist in an environmental lab for years. Maybe you don't mean to sound condescending, but you do. Reducing exposure where you can is simply commonsense. Of course I know I can do nothing but reduce known problems. And I grow a…
  • Yeah, if it doesn't get better or happens again I'll ask for a specialist. And though I agree that there are no guarantees, avoiding eating stuff that is known to have genuine toxins is better than nothing. At least I know the city water/pipes are OK. I'm probably coming across as too angry, but I feel sick, and have hit…
  • I meant some fish and produce with higher levels of pesticides/herbicides might be bad choices if one's liver is impaired. And I have hepatitis with elevated AST/ALT now, though it was much worse and was accompanied by very high fever last time, plus granular things on the liver.
  • Maybe I ought to switch my avatar from a chubby anime character drinking sake, after a healthy liver rant. :pensive
  • I'd love to hear about a diet that actually helped the liver, and am also vegan except occasion eggs or fish, but I want science based medicine. I had unexplained (not A-E or lots of other tests) hepatitis a while ago, and again not as badly, for the last couple weeks. The doctor (based on blood tests/imaging) says it's…
  • When I went from chubby teenager to normal weight adult 27 years ago, I didn't keep track of food consumed. When I became an anorexic adult (5'4" and 95lbs), I still didn't count calories, just avoided eating. My sister did the same, except she went down to 87 lbs at her skinniest (and turned orange, since she ate a pound…
  • I don't think most housework burns a lot of calories, but it definitely feels fatiguing. It might be because you use your upper body and core muscles a lot more than usual, and they often aren't very strong. I find all the bending and lifting much more tiring than, say, a five mile walk. Of course, I don't log it the same…
  • Yeah, I didn't see the scale move for over 3 weeks, then it dropped a pound yesterday and a pound today. I realized I'd forgotten to fill the water carafe by my bed the last two nights, so I suppose it's just water retention and night time water consumption. If you weigh yourself in the morning, it could just be having a…
  • Appetite for Reduction by Isa Chandra Moskowitz is my favorite. It gives the nutritional information you need when changing eating habits, and most of the recipes are good. I have other vegetarian/vegan recipe books, but I use this one the most. I have Veganomicon and Vegan with a Vengeance by her, too, and they're…