

  • ok then, i am wrong you are all correct, eat whatever you want and stay sick and processed sugar will make you thin , see ? that what you want to hear ? discussion is over
  • the point i am trying to bring across here was that the animals in nature dont count calories, they eat as much as they want and there is nothing processed about this food, just comes direct from the ground with water and sunlight
  • [/quote] Information from a dot-com website doesn't count. Try bringing information from medical and science journals (preferably meta-analyses). [/quote] :noway: so you don't believe a word i am saying then ? why don't you do this then, go to your doctor and ask him to check your blood sugar levels after eating your…
  • High insulin levels cause weight gain low insulin levels make you feel satisfied there is nothing more to it
  • if you allergic to nuts then don't eat nuts, simple as that, you can try flax seed or hemp seeds these are equally as effective good luck
  • You can find this information very easy on the internet here is an example http://www.healingdaily.com/detoxification-diet/sugar.htm this one is about sugar consumption and weight gain http://olsonnd.com/sugar-and-candida/ here is one on the effects of candida related to too much sugar intake from foods here is some…
  • In Internet slang, a troll (pron.: /ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[3] The…
  • HI, I would like to know your thoughts on processed foods consumption and weight loss, so basically all the foods that are not grown from the ground , would you agree that these processed foods cause insulin levels to elevate and stop us from losing weight as effectively ? thanks
  • if you feel like having something sweet, eat a banana, or apple, this should help your cravings, all the best :)
  • that's it , you said it, I am a nutcase for trying to get you all to eat healthy :noway: it seems that you all just want to make this into some kind of joke ? there are people who try very hard to lose wight and can not achieve this, they are consuming far too much calories in forms of processed sugars, such as breads,…
  • here are the list of foods that you should consume as a healthy human being lentils, beans, sweet potatoes, potatoes, almonds, nuts, salads, fruits, you get protein in lentils, nuts, fruits, eat clean fuel for your body , and weight loss is easy, with proper water consumption also, 3-4 liters a day enough said,
  • [/quote] I think everyone here will agree that eating refined sugar is not as ideal as eating the same amount of CALORIES from fruit. You will feel full longer, you get nutrients, etc. Where you lost everyone is that you keep saying that you can lose weight by eating more calories as long as the food is "healthy" versus…
  • think about it, cant you see it makes sense ? we are not designed for this high sugar intake, the sugar that's processed has all the fiber stripped from it , so the absorption to the blood is faster
  • the dude who started this post really wants to make a point... and that's great... but unfortunately the science of the Twinkie Diet (NOT AN ACTUAL DIET, BUT A SCIENCE EXPERIMENT TO PROVE THE POINT EVERYONE'S BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU, SiR WHO STARTED THIS POST) says that the bottom line, deciding factor, end of the line, no…
  • CONCLUSION : ok, time to wrap this one up for good the word calorie is used to help us to determine the fuel of foods that help us to feel satisfied with energy, In my honest opinion I believe that you can get fuel from the processed food, but this is not the healthy option for our body's because our body will get a higher…
  • its as simple as this the word calories is very powerful, as i said before it can make people become so obsessed that they count the calories and food that is actually not going to affect them in there weight loss efforts for example they count the calories in fruit, and count the calories in salads, and count the calories…
  • it seems you are all being very defensive about the word calories because you don't want to know the truth go on and eat all the crap you want and get sick that what you want to hear ? then fine , do what you want, but don't complain that you cant lose any weight after eating all your high sugar foods and sweating it out…
  • [/quote] So those people who eat processed sugars and aren't overweight and are perfectly healthy and live until they are 90 years old.. are they aliens then? [/quote] it depends what you are taking about when you say processed sugars ?
  • But who's doing that? Who is living on ONLY Lucky Charms and soda for months at a time? Your argument is stupid because the examples you give don't happen in real life. I can talk about how bad it would be for someone who was only eating strawberries all day every day too, but no one really does that. [/quote] its not an…
  • well it seems we can all agree to disagree, but if you where to look at your blood under a microscope if your eating processed sugar meals all the time , you would see that it would cause problems the blood cells would be sticking together, this is not good for your health as a human being, lets say you where to look at…
  • its the word calorie thats getting to me because its trying to make us think that the body will use the food we place in our mouths the same way, but this is just not the case , why do we eat ? we eat to give our blood energy so it can be transferred to the parts of our body's that need the energy , yes ? so does it really…
  • jerodhold again i will say this, this thread was on the word calories and how we all look at it, if you can eat all the processed sugars you like and lose weight then that's fine, but I would like to just say that i don't agree with this, you must be working out a lot then for your body to be burning the processed sugars ,…
  • it makes perfect sense i am showing you an example of what we do to ourselves we count the calories yes ? do we even bother to count the sugar ? no we don't, we just say its fine because it has this amount of calories this is what i am trying to bring across, the human body will turn high amounts of sugar that's been…
  • i am sorry how can i hijack my own thread ? i am staying on topic. its about weight loss, and its about understanding calories :noway: but i don't know what a troll is , does it have any sugar in it :bigsmile: what i am trying to bring across here is that we label sugar as a calorie , but i dont think we should call it a…
  • did you read this post guys ? at the start i said i want to discuss the word calories and how its gauging our weight loss up to now, i have had nobody really agree with me so it looks like you have all been brainwashed true enough by this word, my conclusion is that this word is so powerful that people may never wake up to…
  • troll ? what do you mean troll ? can you explain this please thanks
  • it seems there is a conspiracy when it comes to the word calories, it looks like the food company's have got together with the elite in order to create an association to the food we eat as being equal to each other the truth of the matter is this, the calories are not equal the food company's want you to believe this so…
  • you may know overweight vegans because they may eat potato chips, drink full sugar drinks such as coca cola , or even energy drinks such as red bull, these all have high sugar levels and cause weight gain i don't agree with what you are saying , this shows us how brainwashed we all are sugar will cause you to gain weight…
  • no i am saying that you would probably look to eat foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar and to look at getting a realistic potion size, but not looking at it from a calorie perspective, you would never be above to stomach 10,000 calories of beans lol, get real man its just about being sensible guys
  • you have no idea what i am saying ? did you take the time to read this whole thread ? i will say it again 100 grams of sugar is 500 calories 100 grams of beans is 100 calories lets say we eat 500 grams of beans thats 500 calories the calories in the 100 grams sugar is 500 and will cause you weight gain the calories in 500…
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