CENSchafer Member


  • I have 2 boys, who are 17 months apart, the youngest being 6 months old. I want to lose around 40 lbs. I have lost almost 10 so far since Jan. 7th. I am looking for female friend for their support! I love Zumba!
  • I am applauding you! That is awesome that you and your wife have honesty and communication between the two of you. This is why marriages work. Not once did you say women were "flirty floozies", but lets be honest...some of them are. Some meen are too. Before everyone jumps down my throat...I said SOME. Not all. And it is…
  • I use Nectresse and love it! We tried Stevia and it has a weird taste to it. Nectresse is awesome! My husband is very picky with that kind of stuff...and he couldn't stand the Stevia in his coffee and tea, but he "didn't mind" the Nectresse. Now he is actually enjoying the Nectresse. Good Luck!