Calling post pregnancy people!

2 kids in quick succession took its toll. Anyone in the same boat? What's your storey?

46 lbs lost so far but another stone to go and it's being really stubborn!!


  • wow Olivia, good job on the 46lbs, I just joined today so I got let see...about 40lbs to get off. I've had four kids and the most resent is already a year old and I've still got the plus 10, that I've gained with each child, not lost, does that make sense. Anyhow beautiful girl, looks like your on a great journey and hopefully this sight will help mine.
  • lauraaryan1985
    lauraaryan1985 Posts: 33 Member
    2 children not in quick succession but i didn't loose all the baby weight the first time and had polyhydramnious with my second (excessive fluid), i was HUGE and didn't move a lot! so gained masses of weight on top of pregnancy weight :S

    I have 85lb to loose! lost 10lb already!

    Whats your exercise regime?

    and have you tried lowering carbs to a bare minimum...!

  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    hi! ive lost 60 pounds since having my daughter in july. got about 40 more too loose! Im doing Turbo fire!
  • Just had my 3rd baby 4 months ago and now I need to loose like 15 pounds! I'm starting to go to my local Curves next Monday wish me luck!!!
  • May I recommend you the Curves system I lost like 20 pounds from the second pregnancy and a lot of inches I never looked so good and I never felt so good until I got pregnant again : )

    Is easy specially for women like me that are not used to doing exercise, hope you give it a try! good luck!!!!
  • jlynnekemp
    jlynnekemp Posts: 20 Member
    3 kids here, the last 2 being twins. But they're 15 months old already! I have a massive stomach pouch from them and I'm hoping to tighten that back up. I've got about 25 pounds more to go, but just losing the first 15 have me feeling a little bit better about myself.
  • CENSchafer
    CENSchafer Posts: 4 Member
    I have 2 boys, who are 17 months apart, the youngest being 6 months old. I want to lose around 40 lbs. I have lost almost 10 so far since Jan. 7th. I am looking for female friend for their support! I love Zumba!
  • Thanks so much for those replies. It would be great to add and be added, I'd love support from people in the same situation.

    What is curves, I'm sure I've heard of it but I can't think of what it is now!

    My exercise regime in a nutshell is whatever I can fit in. Before I was pregnant I used to run 5 k a day. When I first started losing I was eating very sensibly and running, but I found it hard with the sheer amount of weight I had gained. It became easier as the weight came off. My kids are 2 and 4 months and 13 months and 8 months ago we got puppy golden retriever. sooooo, now I do a hell of a lot of walking with the double buggy, either it's too low impact or I'm eating too much (I think it may be the latter, I love food).

    I suppose I'm doing between 1-2 hours walking a day with a heavy buggy. I'm going to start running again as of tomorrow morning. I have to build it back into my lifestyle and it will be hard!

    I do have to try something to jump start the weight loss in my diet too. Maybe cutting carbs will help. Went through a phase of big salads at lunch and it seemed to work for a while.

    I know what you mean about the stomach pouch thing. If I could just get rid of the stomach that's left I'm sure I'd drop another half a stone or more without trying. I have no idea how to do it, the key must just be simple weight loss!

    Thanks again mamas, you're all so lovely and kind. :)
  • hi! ive lost 60 pounds since having my daughter in july. got about 40 more too loose! Im doing Turbo fire!

    What's turbo fire? Good work girl!!
  • The Curves is a workout system design for women, is a great concept. With only 45 minutes 3 times a week in a month you can start to see the results! And since is less than an hour is not too hard to get a babysitter to watch the kids!

    This is the site of the latin american site since I'm from Mexico but I think the US site is
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    3 girls aged 8,almost 4 and 13 months. I gained 80,85 and 50 pounds. My weight before baby number two was 118 and I am 128 today. I did started yoga this past October and heavy lifting mid January. I eat a lot...2000+ /day, easily.