I have no friends : (



  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    " looking for guys that i can add to my friend list. (Only guys please-per a request from my good wife)"

    Ahhh, the old "forbidden fruit" ploy. Nice touch to lure the ladies in ! ! !
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
    got me all figured out. Of course a guy is the one to unravel my master plan. lol : )
  • turtlefitnessdad
    turtlefitnessdad Posts: 585 Member
  • Querian
    Querian Posts: 419 Member
    Anyone can add me, I love fitness pals :flowerforyou:
  • StarryNight37
    StarryNight37 Posts: 26 Member
    You can add me if you want. I am also amazed at some of the replies. Without knowing one thing about you or your wife they are able to make judgements about you both. Good on you for being a man of honor!

    Totally agree with this response.

    Not my place to assume or judge, good on ya Turtle, for respecting your wife's wishes.

    (and seeing how I am totally new on here, and this is my very first post, I'm sure I won't have any friends now either :) )
  • Hi! I am aware I'm not a guy but I'm only here for motivational reasons to and from my friends! So if you have a change of mind, or anyone else wants to I'm always more than happy to receive a friend request :D
  • CENSchafer
    CENSchafer Posts: 4 Member
    I am applauding you! That is awesome that you and your wife have honesty and communication between the two of you. This is why marriages work. Not once did you say women were "flirty floozies", but lets be honest...some of them are. Some meen are too. Before everyone jumps down my throat...I said SOME. Not all. And it is best to avoid all women as to not get caught up! You sound of a man with integrity! Good Luck.
  • Well this thread is keeping me entertained this morning. Normally ones starting like this just have loads of "add me".

    Tell you what you could do - get your wife to befriend the girls that have responded, you befriend the guys and then we can have a competition to see who does better.

    ^^this is a great idea^^^
  • d3nise
    d3nise Posts: 25 Member
    @lauren3101...too funny!
  • lizp114
    lizp114 Posts: 202 Member
    lmao love this comment lol
  • redchevy54
    redchevy54 Posts: 42 Member
    I would like someone who will support me in the same ways. Please add me.
  • I would like someone who will support me in the same ways. Please add me.

    SO on the wrong thread buddy...
  • shytrevoak
    shytrevoak Posts: 95 Member
    This has got to be the most entertaining board I've seen on MFP in 4 months I've been here. Too bad you can add women, your humor is so much like my husbands. Not to mention I'm a total nerd.

    Marriage is all about trust, and trust me, I respect what your wife wants. I've had bad things happen in the past with my husband's flirtyness. No fun. Good luck to you!