

  • 5'2'' is my height. I would ideally like to be down to 105 with lean muscle. I am putting a 6 month time frame on the weight loss/muscle gain.
  • HA! No, they aren't my butt. I wish :D I am actually 118 pounds... of mostly fat instead of muscle. It is my goal to get down to 110 and be muscular. And I would simply love a butt like that.....
  • Hey KC! I am starting Jillian's Ripped in 30. I am of average weight (109 and 5'2''). I am, like I like to call it, mentally fat and physically flabby. I want to change my life for myself and not because someone else is pushing me to do so. I am ready for a better and more confident me! I hope this video gives me the…
  • My hubby is one! <3 Love them red heads ;) He means the world to me!
  • Thanks for the advice! Anyone have any input as to what I should be eating for the next 30 days? I am a college student and am constantly flooded with lots of processed and highly fatty foods. What should I do to get the best results and better lifestyle that I would like to have? I am currently going to weight watchers to…
  • Thank you both! I really am looking forward to it... I am sure it'll be an amazing experience even if I am crying and unable to move up the steps afterward :laugh:
  • I am really excited to start because I want to get the results that I want to feel better about myself and show everyone else that I am a healthy, fit human being inside and out!
  • I am 5'2'' as well! I am 109 pounds but I, too, am beginning the 30 day shred and ripped in 30- tomorrow actually! if you want support, I am here :D I definitely need encouragement... Jillian is terrifying!