30 day shred or similar for "normal / average" people?


I've seen a lot on here about the 30 day shred and some people have had great results. I wanted to create a separate thread just to see if any one wants to do it (or another work out) with me who is already at a healthy weight but maybe wants to lose the last few lbs or just tone up? Or has anyone who was just looking to tone up done it?

I'm slim but not toned and whilst the before and after pics are AMAZING on the main 30DS thread its kinda hard for me to relate as I know I wont lose 3 + inches off my waist or lose 20lbs.

I started it today and hope to stick to it, and will def post my results on the 30DS thread, just wanted to see if anyone wanted to do it with me :)

KC x


  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    Tomorrow I will be on day 12. Today I was off as my knees are killing me. But I am in the same situation as you, want to lose 2-3 kg, but mostly I want a toned body. I love the shred but apparently level 2 is quite tough on my knees. Hopefully tomorrow I will be better. Good luck! xx
  • kc285
    kc285 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks Ramona!

    Have you noticed any changes in your body yet? I consider myself fairy active but had a training session at the gym the other day where the guy made me for 4 sets of lunges on each leg, 4 sets of step ups on each legs and a whole heap of other stuff so my thighs are still killing!! So other than the lunges and squats I found day 1 ok. Might not be saying that tomorrow though!
  • BikiniReady622
    Hey KC! I am starting Jillian's Ripped in 30. I am of average weight (109 and 5'2''). I am, like I like to call it, mentally fat and physically flabby. I want to change my life for myself and not because someone else is pushing me to do so. I am ready for a better and more confident me! I hope this video gives me the results I want as well :D Jillian is amazing and I admire her profusely.
  • kelfer80
    kelfer80 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm on week 1 day 4 today. I actually want to lose weight and tone up. I have already noticed that I'm a little stronger than I was on day one. I actually completed all of the push ups today which is a really big deal for me. I can't wait to see the changes in my body after 30 days! Just in time for Spring Break!!
  • ramonafrincu
    ramonafrincu Posts: 160 Member
    After 12 days of shred I am definitely stronger. I did the whole dvd No More Trouble ZONES one day along with the shred . While I feel that my body is changing I also put on weight this days, 2 kg which for me feels a lot. But I read about it and they say is normal when staring to exercise as the body is adapting. Was a bit disappointed when I saw the scale but I promised myself not to use it until I finish the program.:) As about diet, I will eat everything in moderation because if I deny myself something I will end up eating loads of it. xx
  • kc285
    kc285 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the replies everyone :)

    I'm planning to stick to 30DS (though I need to heavier weights - could only find 2lb at home!), and might also try and do a butt lift one alongside it + some cardio a couple days a week.

    Fingers crossed for my rock hard bikini bod..and all of yours too!
  • TooLeftFeet
    TooLeftFeet Posts: 139 Member
    I'm in your boat. I've had trouble getting motivated. I will be starting 30DS on Monday. I have 5 and 3 # weights. it isn't much, but it's a start. If they get easy, I'll buy more. I just have to see. I also don't want to be reaistic about my goals either--all I have to do is muscle definition. I'm at a good weight.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    What is normal?

    30 Day Shred works for everyone whether you're 100 lbs or 250lbs... just up your weights.. I am using 7lb weights x 2 atm