PRIMEJuicers Member


  • There are some saved recipes from others that I use and then there's always creating your own. Here's a good website that may help. I don't know how accurate it is, but it's a start.
  • First, great question. Juicing is great for the body. It delivers essential nutrients into your bloodstream quickly without the body having to digest the food and you get more nutrients from juicing than you would if you ate the whole food. The process of juicing breaks down the cell walls in the fruits and vegetables so…
  • Same here. I've used juices in the database, but I know they aren't exact, because my recipes vary. It's a good start though and close enough. I'm going to undertake creating my own sometime. I love the Juicing Bible. You can get it on Amazon and it has lots of good information as well as recipes for smoothies. Happy…
  • Thanks for posting. I juice daily too and am anxious for Spring to get here. There's nothing like fresh vegetables from the garden. I use both a centrifugal juicer and masticating juicer. I blend too. It's all good. Thanks and happy juicing!
  • Juicing is great. I juice every day and at one time I thought it might be a phase for me. That was a long time ago. You may be in for a fantastic journey. You can get a real energy boost from juicing and setting your goals on one a day is awesome. My favorites when starting out were very simple recipes: Carrot-apple juice…
  • Since you're just starting out I'd suggest a centrifugal juicer. They are fast and pretty easy to clean. You don't have to prepare your produce as much with these either. The masticating juicers require more prep and are slower. I love juicing and have noticed a big difference in my overall health. I just almost every day,…
  • You ask a great question. When juicing and eating regularly, no you don't have to add fiber to the juice or supplement in anyway, assuming you're eating whole fruits and vegetables anyway. Salads are good for that. If you're juice fasting also no, you don't want fiber. The purpose of juice fasting is to give your digestive…
  • Yes I never thought I'd like vegetable (green) juice, but they are delicious. There are lots of good websites to be found. Try and as one said, watch his movie. It's entertaining and inspiring. Here's one of my favorite recipes: Can't be Beet 2 to 3 carrots 1/2 cucumber 1/2 beet with greens As for…
  • There are lots of recipes to choose from. I juice more vegetables than fruit. Too much pure fruit juice isn't good because it can spike your blood sugar. I dilute my fruit juice with purified water too and I juice probably 3 times as many vegetables as I do fruit. However, I almost always add an apple to my vegetable juice…
  • You look amazing! Congratulations!