Jamie6636 Member


  • I'm here! Need help! lol I walked my dog today and did 35 minutes of toning. I'm ready for a good week! Sunday: run 3 miles Monday:core synergystics Tuesday: elliptical Wednesday: arms and shoulders
  • OK I'm having a hard time pushing play. I got on my elliptical today for 45 minutes and did 20 minutes of toning. What are you up to?
  • :D :D :D :D Crab leg buffet for Dinner with my mom's birthday. Be good Jamie
  • Yeah totally I'm with you on the whole weekend away and holiday thing. Lets just keep plugging away! Monday: 45 elliptical Tuesday: Shoulders and arms Wed. yoga Thurs. legs and back/ abs Friday off
  • Wed. Core Syn Do not remember it being so hard! I haven't worked out that hard in a while. Thurs. Cardio love this Friday. elliptical Sat.yoga-nope Sun. legs and back/ abs-nope Monday: 45 elliptical Tuesday: Shoulders and arms Wed. yoga Thurs. legs and back/ abs Friday off
  • Hi Jenn!!!!! Wed. Core Syn Do not remember it being so hard! I haven't worked out that hard in a while. Thurs. Cardio love this Friday. shoulder/arms/abs Sat.yoga Sun. legs and back/ abs Bringing it B)
  • Wed. Core Syn Do not remember it being so hard! I haven't worked out that hard in a while. Thurs. Cardio Friday. shoulder/arms/abs Sat.yoga Sun. legs and back/ abs I have done the original up to like 60 days. I have attempted it probably 10 times. I have never done the lean. It looks a lot more doable. I won't get it done…
  • Ahh I didn't start today. I did get on my elliptical. The lean schedule is very different than the original. Looks good and No plyo! I totally don't mind that! Wed. Core Syn Thurs. Cardio Friday. shoulder/arms/abs Sat.yoga Sun. legs and back/ abs Love ab ripper. or as Tony would say "I hate it but I love it"
  • where you at @jlburns2005 @bianca616 @scottythedon @Cafelelia
  • Yessss Krystina! That is awesome. I have been on my elliptical 45 min a day 5 days a week. It has been nice because I havent had to think about it. But since we all broke up i have been pretty rocky. Weight the exact same. I am up for attempting p90x. Can't do 6 days a week but I'll do my best. I will start tomorrow!
  • Good LUCK Krystina! Can't wait to hear about it!
  • I did the regular 21 day fix. I was very attracted to it for the fact that it was 30 minutes. I would use these workouts to mix things up anytime. I have not tried the extreme version. My sister is on round 2 of the regular 21 day fix. I have her hooked. It is her 1st beach body program and she keeps talking about how…
  • Here is my update on 21 day fix. It is just ok. A quick workout that gets the job done. I just don't see myself addicted to it like I was with H&C. Speaking of H&C I think its time to return to it as this was where I was most successful. 60 days should get me close to the end of summer. Thursday-chisel balance…
  • I started 21 day fix today. It has been a good break from beach body and I have been using my elliptical. Starting easy with 5 days a week and shorter workouts. Monday:Total Body Cardio Fix Tuesday: Upper Fix Wednesday:Lower Fix Thursday:Pilates Fix Friday:out of town Saturday:out of town Sunday: Cardio Fix
  • Hi Friends! I am still here. I tried to be consistent about checking in on here but I am just busy. I have been doing great and still working out almost everyday. You guys are so awesome for sticking to your plans and I am so happy for you guys. I can't promise anything about checking in on here right now. I am here though…
  • Monday: Step aerobics /Abs Buns Thighs Tuesday: Elliptical or run 45 min - arms Wednesday:Step aerobics/ Abs Buns Thighs Thursday: off Friday: step aerobics,abs buns thighs Saturday: 30 minutes elliptical/ Abs Buns Thighs Sunday: ?
  • Hit the RESET button this week. I had a good finish to my last week and got in a couple workouts. Ready to get back to feeling good and strong. Monday: Step aerobics /Abs Buns Thighs Tuesday: Elliptical or run 45 min - arms Wednesday:Step aerobics/ Abs Buns Thighs Thursday: Elliptical or run 45 min -stretch Friday: off…
  • I am ready to hit the reset button and make a plan for myself next week. I got a really good workout in today. It is amazing how much that helps the get more motivation. I have to do something totally different right now. This weekend will be busy for me so hopefully I can get a workout or 2 in. Monday: Step aerobics /Abs…
  • Well I'm completely off the rails as far as Body Beast goes. Life is busy and I just haven't been able to stay in my routine. The good news is that I have been running and doing a lot outdoors. Im not sure what my plan is from here. Im going to stay part of this group for sure. Not sure if I should start BB over? Maybe go…
  • Welcome back Bianca! Couldnt be happier to see your beautiful face!
  • Last week I only got 5/6 workouts in. As sad as I am to do this, I think I can't finish doing the 6days/week. I want to set up my week so I can look back and not feel like a failure. I am going to start planning 5 and hopefully get in a 6th. I am feeling sooo strong. I am curious to see what the bulk workouts are like.…
  • [/quote] How do you add pictures? [/quote] I can only add them from my laptop and not on my phone.
  • Monday- Build Chest/Tris Tuesday- Build Legs Wednesday-Build Back/ BIs Thursday-Cardio/abs 3 mile run Friday-Build shoulders Saturday-Rest Sunday-Build Chest/Tris And here is a Beast Cardio pic for your enjoyment. My hair isn't wet from the shower guys. What a sick workout.
  • This is exactly what my husband said about the last week. Just get back to it. Have a fun weekend!
  • Well this is where I am guys. I had the worst week since last September. Just not feeling it and unmotivated. Don't worry...on Monday I got back into the groove. I do love these workouts! It is funny because I feel like it was such a bad week but when I look back I actually got some runs and completed 4 BB workouts. I…
  • Yes for vacations!!! I thought we had it bad here in WI over the weekend! We just got a ton of snow.. again. I had some set backs last week also. We WILL get back into the swing of things!
  • Thinking of Bianca and looking forward to her return! Sunday- :s Monday- :s Tuesday-build legs Wednesday- build back/ bis- 3.5 mile run Thursday-beast cardio/ abs- 3 mile run Friday-build shoulders Saturday- Build chest/ tris And I love the bench! But my husband normally uses it if we are working out together. Anything to…
  • Hiccups at the beginning of my week. Was one day ahead of you guys now I'm one day behind. Monday I ended up going to the hospital with a client. All is good. Life happens. I'm going for a run with my sister and then it's back and biceps with the hubby when I get back.
  • I will definitely look into that scale. Take care of your back. Sounds like a great plan!
  • I have good news and bad news- Bad news is I missed my workout yesterday because I went to see my daughter. My husband and I are going to at some point this week do a double workout. That means it is leg day today. Good news is its my bday and I found this at the store yesterday! Yahoo