

  • I started P90X with a set of resistance bands and eventually started using free weights. Also, the pull up bar is highly recommended (and you can get one at Walmart for $20). I first started doing the pull ups using the bands (where you attach the band to something and pull it down, versus pulling yourself up) and I didn't…
  • Yes! I am a teacher and my students come to school with soda and chips for lunch...I judge their parents. How can you even think that is ok?
  • I would take the lower weight :)
  • I love peanut butter!!!!
  • Your weight is the same, but perhaps your body composition is changing? If you are burning fat and building muscle, you probably won't lose weight but you will be more tone and healthy.
  • It depends on what you're eating. Some studies have found that people who "graze" all day actually end up eating more calories. But if you're keeping track and you know you don't go over, good job :)
  • Yes it is. Make sure that you track your exercise as well as your food. When you exercise, you get to eat the calories that you burned from exercise. For example, you may burn 600 calories from doing a really hard workout. That day, you would need to eat 1800 calories to make up for your workout. Your NET would still equal…
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