Tauranga-New Zealand!
It is very hard- I struggled with it mentally for ages, but kept working my butt off even tho I wasnt seeing much change, just dvds and stuff. But each week something new/old fit again and now I actually think Im more toned than I was before bugs-its been 7.5 months, so dont give up and be kind to yourself, you just made a…
Im loving realfittv at the mo-Dana is really good-challenging and longer workouts!
Im with you, all I want to do is fit my pre preg clothes and seems whatever I do is just not quite right,its hard alright. Im a cardio queen but have been doing more weightsy cardio stuff (I'm not really into weights) and now I have really muscly legs and arms that kinda feel bigger not smaller but tight hmmmmm what to do.…
Mine is not a toddler yet but at the moment I am dragging myself out of bed early to do a 45 min vid before he wakes then i plonk him next to the treadmill for a run after Ive given him his bottle- when he starts moving im not sure ha ha, im thinking I might get a little play pen to put by the treadmill. (that was the best…
I was in the same situation as you, very poor cycles, in fact nearly non-existent. I was very hesitant about acupuncture, but it worked and things began to normalise and then I got pregnant, im a true believer now, and its was amazing for stress and relaxation :)
use duct tape to tape your shoes/laces down and tape them up and around your ankles :)
Im 138 now and wish to be 130- which is pretty small for me as I have a large frame, but hopefully I get close to there!
Another thing that is really important is to NOT exercise excessively as this causes stress on your body also- so just doing something mod intensity each day and eating healthy is going to be better for you than going hard core trying to get fit! And I agree with the dont stress comment just track the times of the month…
Yip good call on the breast feeding thing I totally agree!
I am from New Zealand and have been to the states many times and notice the same thing! Very overweight people everywhere! The sad thing is that its 'got hold of' many children and they grow up not knowing any difference. I think the GIANT everything and processed rubbish food has everything to with it. Our bodies simply…