mnmoon Member


  • Notre Dame!! Fighting Irish all the way. :bigsmile:
  • I haven't tried the diet, but I bought a Special K granola bar for lunch awhile back bc I left my lunch At home.. It was nasty! Do not recommend them at all.
  • That photo was about 6 months ago.. I've gained 13lba since then. And my comfortable weight for me is a total of 20lbs less Than where I am. I am doing a lot of weights to try to reshape as well! Thanks for the input and sites!! If ya don't mind I'm going to add you as a friend!'
  • A normal day of eating right now is a granola bar, apple, bananna and some strawberries for breakfast. Light tuna, a boiled egg, and a bananna for lunch. Grilled chicken, smothered in low fat cheese, grilled red and green peppers, brown rice and salsa for dinner. I have a crazy craving for celery right now, so I will eat…
  • This is the exact calculations I did and used that website I believe. So, with That being said, my confusion sits bc MFP told me 1200.. I haven't lost anything with eating 1200, so I think I should try the 1700... Just don't want to gain anything!!
  • I think I put I wanted to loose 2lbs a week.. Which I would love to do.. Lol, But mfp had me at 1200 calories. After reading several of the threads or road Maps, I came up with the 1700... Which is where my confusion lies. I am trying To do this healthily and the right way by eating good and excersizing. I just don't Want…
  • The easiest way I have found to control portions is to figure out what I am eating the next day, if possible, go ahead and make it and store it in appropriate sizes. Or, if I am going to cook dinner, I look at what the calorie intake is for the suggested serving and determine if I will have enough will power to follow that…
  • Holy moly!! Who says that to another person?!? Wow...That is shocking to me! Good for you for standing up to her!!
  • I moved to the south from the midwest about a year ago. Shortly after getting here, I realized "Bless your heart" is not something that people say when they are being nice here. Or, the other one was from a friend saying " you weigh as much as I do? I wonder why you look so much bigger than me?" smh.
  • That sounds great!! Sadly food has become my friend since moving. :/ I am not super happy with this anymore!
  • I agree. I don't know why people feel the need to be so rude on here. It was an honest question. I was looking for feedback on the subject not a bunch of bs. People quit being negative! Take your agression and go to the gym and get rid of it. Then, if you still feel the need to be nasty, another outlet to get rid of it…
  • Yes, I started taking b12 for energy and it seems to be working a little bit.
  • Well yes, I have been a member since 2011 but haven't been on here for for about 6 months. So that was a nice rude comment. But thanks. I do workout for over an hour each day- I am not looking for a quick fix, I recently quit drinking caffeine, so was looking for a healthier way to get more energy. I do not do fad diets or…
  • Lol!! I can tell its definitely Fridau by some of the responses! I haven't watched the dr oz episode. I can't stand him or dr Phil. I saw them at SAMs club so I started googling it. Lol. Anyway, sounds like unless I have the money to buy mass amounts it will not work! That's exactly what I needed to know. I'm just looking…
  • Thank you all for the advice. I will put it to use. I am not quite sure I understand the bmr but I will research it. The 600 calories I ate was not to starve myself or do some crazy crash diet.. I honestly felt full at that point. I Going to try to weigh weekly instead of daily. That will probably help with my frustration…