

  • I agree you have to set your own goals and dreams and pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Seeking gratification from others often leaves us feeling ignored and unappreciated leading to poor habits, eating and exercise. (Speaking to self) I agree that there are those of us here on MFP who understand your hard work…
  • Mercurysfire, Yours was the first board topic I read when I found MFP. Your inspiration and ideas are great motivation for me. I appreciate the effort you put into helping us. Sharing your own experiences makes me more comfortable in this public format that otherwise could be intimidating. I'm sure other members feel the…
  • Well, I have this idea. It can't really be counted as a challenge for everyone but it has crossed my mind a couple of times since I got out of the hospital (sorry I keep bringing that up). My granddaughter needs swimming lessons. She has been "practicing" in the bathtub and her kiddie pool. Little does she know, her "Nana"…
  • mental traveler...ah! sigh... slow down, breathe in and breathe out finding my quiet spot An exercise I learned to love...seventh grade sit-up champion!!! Have no idea how I managed but I had a lot of cheering from my friends and my motivation was the new guy at school I could not get out of my head! Food...hmmmm something…
  • Not a competition...RIGHT!!! I kinda' thrive on competition but NOT TORTURE...:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: SO, I must be true to myself and my goals. Plus, I've heard stories of people going back into the hospital multiple times for more stints. TWO is enough for me. I'm not competing on that scale so I love my gym scales. As…
  • I second that Celery is a misguided, ill-thought torture! I've thrown away my celery salt! Do they make a powder that is no sodium? hmmmm, I wonder!
  • Food challenge: No fast food this week. It's by NOT drive through. Four weeks straight reward myself with new outfit!!! Mental challenge: Meditate. Increase relaxation breathing exercises while focusing on positive images of myself. SMILE!!! Short-term goal maintained 4 weeks = relaxation CD!!! Physical…
  • Great short term goals! I may have to steal your ideas...LOL Best wishes, Let's Do It! :happy:
  • Okay resting heart rate - 66; neck 14", waist 48", hips 52" I've lost 9 lbs since my heart attack! I'm exercising 5 x's a week. VICTORY DANCE! WOO HOO!!! Hope I'm doing this right. Never participated in a challenge before. :blushing:
  • Okay, I'm in but give me a second while I re-read the fine print! LOL Sounds like a great challenge and a great group of motivators are already here. It helps to know I'm not alone. I'm a 49 year-old, single Mom of two beautiful and very self-motivated young women (32 & 21). I am also a grandmother of three precious and…
  • I hear you loud and clear poetic_britt! I have been plus sized for the last 15 years. I am new on here, just getting the hang of tracking meals and exercise. We can do it! We just have to focus on a whole healthy lifestyle not our size or "dieting." Eating healthier is my objective. Let's encourage each other to a smaller…
  • Nutella - my new chocolate cheat! Great idea to use as fudge pops. I have a 5 year old granddaughter encouraging me on my diet after a heart attack. I have spread it on English muffin instead of jelly or jam.
  • Don't wash fruit until ready to consume. Washing takes away nature's preservatives. I have found this to be true especially for berries, strawberries. Lemon juice in a mixed salad is great idea. Bananas will last longer refridgerated but browning does occur they keep their firmness longer.