jenroseb Member


  • Hello all! I am so glad I found this group! I just love beer and sometimes would rather give up that last piece of pizza for another beer. LOL. Glad I am not the only one struggling with losing weight and wanting to drink! :drinker:
  • I totally understand what you mean my people sabotaging your diet! I feel the same way. Losing weight is a lifestyle change. It takes a while to get in to a routine but it will happen! It takes a lot of effort but if its something that you want - you'll find a way to make it happen :smile:
  • I am signed up with some friends for the April 30th race in Arizona!! I am excited! For training, I am just trying to up my cardio on the treadmill. I never really enjoyed doing cardio on a treadmill (I enjoy the elliptical, bike or stairmaster). I need to get my long distance running times better! Of course I am also…
  • I make the Weight Watchers turkey chili all the time and a serving to them is one cup. One cup also only equals one point to them. I probably eat about 2 cups myself!!
  • I do not have children yet but I love to snack on a handful of almonds, fruit, carrots (which I dip in mustard - sounds weird but its good!), strawberry greek yogurt and all natural granola bars...... You could try to find some all natural fruit roll ups for your kids that way even if you have one its not a terrible snack!