NaturalBlond Member


  • I'm trying from a chrome book - won't allow me to. I've tried reporting an "issues - it showed up under my "cases" a while ago - now it's gone. I wish one of the admins could chime in
  • sorry - years. have had the periodic hickup but not an all day problem before.
  • ? so some days we can log and others not? I've been on here for year - but took a break for a few month.
  • I quit smoking using one almost 3 years ago. I use an eGo with vison. Mix my own liquid. no nicotine anymore. More security blanket. may not be compeltley safe - but I'll take "may not" over the known dangers of smoking and the 1000+ ingredients in them, Studies are being done on e cig, but Big Tobacco is working fast and…
  • Let me add to all the other great ideas here: If you use a digital scale moving it upsets the 'balance'. You have to turn it on (and let it turn off) 4 times to re-set the balance. I have also found that moving a non-digital scale can change it too! May I also suggest: break you goal down into small units. You look at 77…