I need to know how other people handle this...



  • NaturalBlond
    NaturalBlond Posts: 7 Member
    Let me add to all the other great ideas here:

    If you use a digital scale moving it upsets the 'balance'. You have to turn it on (and let it turn off) 4 times to re-set the balance.

    I have also found that moving a non-digital scale can change it too!

    May I also suggest: break you goal down into small units. You look at 77 and think "Holy Cow! How am i going to tackle that?"

    Instead shoot for 10lbs and some kind of reward. Like new nail polish or a new download.

    At 20lbs - get a manicure or pedicure.

  • Jaydensmommy7110
    I can definitely relate to you I'm actually on medications for depression and anxiety and a lot of it comes right from being overweight. But i always like to remind myself with how I've changed the way im eating as long as im strict with myself every now and again its ok to have a little "cheat" as long as you dont allow yourself to "cheat" all the time and you back it up with exorcise you'll be fine. Bus try and focus on the positive and believe me I know it's hard but it will get better. Just remind yourself that the scale shouldn't be used all the time everyday you should weigh once a week and in the morning (better to do it after you have used the restroom) and that will give you the most accurate weight if you weigh in in the evening or after every time youve eaten you'll have extra "weight" because your full and that wouldn't be accurate. Try and stay positive and when you can't just focus on something that makes you happy . Good luck hope this helps
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    There's no way you gained 5 pounds of fat in one day, no matter how good the chicken was. Weight fluctuations happen for other reasons, and you get used to them. So long as you see a new low weight every once in a while, you know you're moving in the right direction. :)
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    Stephanie you can do this. The scale is just a machine, don't let it control you. I used to weigh myself daily and in my case it was an unhealthy thing to do mentally. I now do it no more than once a month. (and at the same time each day)

    I know people talk moderation, but sometimes maybe it's best to go cold turkey until the control for moderation is there? Just a thought and based strictly on my lack of portion control.

    Don't be so hard on yourself either way. Life style changes are super hard, and the fact that you're posting here means you're off to a good start right?
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    i started with over 100 lbs to lose which seems impossible, so i break it down into smaller chunks, so i always have a 'mini goal' to aim for -
    10lbs / 20lbs / 30 lbs lost etc
    under 200 / 190 / 180 etc

    its physically impossible to gain 5lbs overnight from 400cals worth of food, its more than likely water weight due to sodium or something.

    Dont stress too much, start taking measurements, get weighed only once a week, at the same time of day in the same clothes if possible, and just stick to what you are doing :-)
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    I used to feel guilt over just about anything I ate that was not "healthy", and freak out about my weight. Now, If I have the calories left, I allow myself to indulge on a few not so healthy items from Friday to Monday and I limited my weigh-ins to Friday mornings only (even if I feel good on Tuesday I don't check). By using this combo I don't feel deprived and any high sodium or whatever else has ususally worked its way out by Friday morning so I feel the weights are more consistent. Add me if you'd like, I'm not perfect, but like you I'm giving it my best.
  • Dimplybutt
    Dimplybutt Posts: 123 Member
    Aww, hun!! :frown: Everyone here is giving awesome advice so do try to follow what they say :flowerforyou: ... I just wanna give you a big ol' (((HUG))) :heart: cause I feel your pain. Staying positive and finding yourself some good friends on here who will cheer you on through your journey will help, trust me. :smile:
  • flsl
    flsl Posts: 75 Member
    Aw poor you, sounds like a tough few days.

    It might help if you try and break down your courageous overall goal into sub-goals.
    Like trying to lose 10lbs in five-six weeks.

    And celebrate going down a dress size with a new dress or top. (Or something)

    Weight can fluctuate so much even in one day (3-5lbs for me). I was advised to weigh once a week in the morning before breakfast so you dont have to count water retention.
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    There were a lot of comments about the scale so I'm not going to add any more about that. However, as far as feeling like your remaining weight is Mt. Everest and your feelings of guilt with food, I can totally understand and relate. We got to our heaviest because of an unhealthy relationship/view of food. It takes a while, it took me 6 months, but you can change your view of yourself and of food. This process is just as much mental and emotional as it is physical.

    First, try to replace any "IF I get to my goal weight..." with "WHEN I get to my goal weight" and similar ideas. You need to believe in yourself. Picture yourself how you want to look (even if it feels ridiculous or unattainable) and focus on that. I am a naturally negative thinker, especially critical of myself (Type A perfectionist here!) so it took a lot of work to change my thinking. As far as food goes, it is simply fuel. There should be no emotion attached to it, especially guilt. As long as you are within your calorie limits you are fine if you treat yourself every now and then. And guess what? Even if you go over a little and didn't get a chance to exercise, it is NOT the end of the world. You aren't going to gain 5 pounds from a couple hundred calories.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,243 Member
    There's no way you gained 5 pounds of fat in one day, no matter how good the chicken was. Weight fluctuations happen for other reasons, and you get used to them. So long as you see a new low weight every once in a while, you know you're moving in the right direction. :)


    To gain 5 pounds in one day you would have to eat 17500 calories over not just your calorie goal here, but the number of calories you typically burn in a day which, if you are on a 2 pound per week weight loss goal, would be 1000 over your daily calorie goal. Since you had 400 calories left, and likely that 1000 calorie deficit per day, you would have had to have eaten 18900 calories of chicken mole. I don't think that you did that. The weight gain could be a whole bunch of things. Did you drink enough water so that any excess sodium from that meal could be eliminated from your system? If you didn't, you are likely retaining water which is the most common culprit in rapid weight gain. Drink lots of water and it will come off in a matter of days.
  • renegadecupid
    I weigh in once a day and it fluctuates in 2lb increments... the one thing I make sure without fail to do before a weigh in it hit the bathroom. (lol, please excuse me if I do not go into much detail).... that way, I am getting the most accurate reading possible. The scale is only a guide. as long as you lose more than you gain, you're doing something right.

    It took a health scare for me to do it. dropped 42lbs without even using this site. going for an additional 90lbs here. cut out all high fructose sugar from diet, as well as all fast food. switched to greens and fruits whole wheat breads, chicken, fish and a lot of water. It's working so far. dropped a pound a day to start, now at 2 -4 lbs a week. 1500 - 2000cal a day.
  • melneh
    melneh Posts: 25
    The bad are days are just that, bad days. I have been on a constant diet for the past 11 years, 3 of which were the only years i actually lost anything. It feels like the diet which I am on defines me, and when i attempt and do my best and I do not see the results I want ( my scale was actually forged somewhere deep within the pits of hell and is possesed by the devil himself sometimes) Guilt and and ager and all those horrible feelings appear. One would think that over the amount of time i have been dieting, i would of gotten over the guilts and self loathing that goes with it. WRONG.

    As you can see, it seems to be a pretty common feeling out there in the magical land of diet-opia - we all go through it, it was brings us to these forums in search of answers.

    Stay with it. Remember, bad days are just that, bad days, and although the scale may not budge today or tomorrow, it has no choice but to if you log everything and keep active. Now that science is true fact!

    Keep the faith Steph- I was, am and always will be, right there with you on this journey,.

  • hisqtangel
    hisqtangel Posts: 32 Member
    Dont stress! Instead of looking at it as 77 pounds left, just count how many you have lost. I have just really started on this life change but i have found when i look at how far I've come instead of what i havent accomplished yet i get discouraged. Also dont weigh yourself so much. Pick a day a week and weigh in the mornings ( i was told 10 am was best but i work so mine is Friday mornings about 7 am) . I dont think you gained 5 pounds just from the dessert. I have weighed both mornings and nights and at night you always way more. Hope that helps :) Feel free to add me as well!
  • justnname
    justnname Posts: 162
    i started with over 100 lbs to lose which seems impossible, so i break it down into smaller chunks, so i always have a 'mini goal' to aim for -
    10lbs / 20lbs / 30 lbs lost etc
    under 200 / 190 / 180 etc

    its physically impossible to gain 5lbs overnight from 400cals worth of food, its more than likely water weight due to sodium or something.

  • jhartram
    jhartram Posts: 165
    I've had more desert since I started counting calories than I have in years! It probably wasn't the desert. There are a lot of factors that could have made that happen that other people have listed. Here's my advice (things I've learned when I did almost the same exact thing LOL)

    1) Weigh yourself at the same time (morning before anything else is the way to go for me) every Thursday... or Friday, or whatever. Once a week. If you can't make your weigh-in day, do it the next day. DO NOT let less than 7 days pass between weigh-ins, or the scale is mean.

    2) Start watching your sodium if you don't already. I'm at a goal of 2500 for sodium, but I'm working toward 2000, maybe eventually 1500. If I go over my sodium, the next day I'm at LEAST 3 pounds up. It never fails. Also, if for some reason you go over your sodium intake, you should try to double the 8 cups of water they recommend you drink. It helps flush out the salt.

    3) Break out the measuring tape. I've gone up one pound but lost 3 inches in the same week. A lot of time there's muscle behind some of that gain.

    4) Focus more on your health. I find one thing I like better about myself every day, even when I have to look hard to do it. Whether it's more energy or being deliciously tired from a kick-but workout, a tad more definition in my arms/legs/abs/butt, squeezing into a pair of pants just to see if they'll button that day, and if not checking to see if the edges are just a little closer, wanting a salad instead of a burger... whatever you can find will boost your morale.

    5) (and this one is kinda TMI) Make sure you're going at least every other day. Some people naturally don't go that often, but it's important. If I go more than one day, I use a mild laxitive to give myself a nudge. Lots of fiber, lots of water. VERY important! There's no need to weigh your body's garbage.

    I only offer this advice because it's worked for me. I know it's tough, especially when it doesn't seem like you're making progress. Hang in there! You'll see the results of all your hard work eventually! =D